I’m only in if it comes with a Clippy skin.
Ahead of it’s time by decades
So seductive
When did Microsoft forget how to do stuff? No one ever said: Wow! I really, really like being forced to use something! My reaction to being forced to use it didn’t instantly diminish my desire to use this product!
Even IF their product is good, they crush my desire to try it with shit like this.
Ultimately, most people stay with the default option, that’s why they have to be aggressive. Look at the amount of screenshots even in advanced PC communities with ugly useless search bar enabled, which is taking 1/3 of the taskbar. I’m not even speaking about casual users who have no idea that it can be disabled.
yeah, it’s fucking exhausting to go through and disable the 10’s or 100’s of options they set by default that you don’t want. I have a computer that I have disabled updates on because they kept resetting my deeper configs with updates. I’m not getting another windows computer unless I have to because god that shit took so long to set up.
Why not leave the defaults as-is? They’re probably set like that for a reason.
I’ve only been using Linux for a few days. Am I allowed to have a superiority complex yet?
Absolutely, that is legal from the first second of use.
After this news? Don’t feel the smug all atbonce or you will fucking die.
Good to know, I’ll be careful not to indulge too much! Though I did it proper with a Thinkpad as well so I may overdose anyway haha
Hey has anyone mentioned LiNuX yet??
Only way to avoid this shit at this point.
Or use a 20 year old unsupported version of windows?
All my homies use TempleOS
Also that. I stand corrected.
Issues are:
- Professional audio is nearly nonexistent on Linux, save for some pretty well done API. You’re stuck with default drivers, and the main DAW for Linux (Ardour) interprets the “free and open-source” a little bit liberally (pre-compiled versions are paid, and there’s no guides on how to build them). LMMS fortunately does not suffer from such issues, and is a pretty good free alternative for FL Studio.
- As long as Windows will be mainstream, development needs there too. As a game developer, I prefer to primarily develop on Windows (since most gaming is done there), and I find a lot of issues with how stuff on Linux is being done. And since I found a pretty good debugger for Windows, I also started to prefer that too.
- Linux still suffers from what I call “developer comfort of UX discomfort”. Basically it stems from the devs getting comfortable with bad UX, then refuse to fix it due to a multitude of excuses, including gems like “wanting to avoid spoonfeeding the users” and “introducing users to the beauty of scripting”.
And I notice that after today/yesterday’s update, my Win11 machine “helpfully” put a Copilot icon in my taskbar without asking me. Thanks?
I poleaxed it in the registry. Yes, I saw the toggle in taskbar settings. No, I don’t care. Disable that shit. Get it off my computer.
It already does on my laptop. They also keep setting my default browser back to Edge. I don’t use my laptop much anymore and keeping up with the BS of having to disable stuff I don’t want running has become tiresome to the point where I don’t even want to use it.
I know, I know, something something install Linux! Question I have there is my laptop is a gaming laptop so my question to all you Linux folks is. Can I continue to game using Linux. Will it work with my Nvidia Graphics card and Steam. If so I might consider it.
Ppl tend to sugarcoat Linux to new users, so let me make a reality check: gaming is possible on Linux, but in a limited sense, and it might cost time and sanity.
Some games work natively, some need a workaround, some require you to craft your own solution, and some straight up won’t.
The percentages shift, where there’s slightly more games working natively or requiring a basic workaround, but the baseline is the same.
I dont have a windows machine, i game exclusively on linux and its got to the point where i just buy games on steam and assume they will work fine through proton. I honestly cant remember the last one that didnt. Shit i got the c&c collection on steam recently hopping to play generals with a friend, but while it works fine for me on linux its broken for him on windows.
Yeah, I’ve had such an easy time of it that I’m actually surprised when a game doesn’t work in Linux now too. Which is a reverse of how it used to be.
I switched from Windows to Linux in the last year.
There are sometimes odd things to configure, but it’s no more difficult than the windows XP era was.
It is much much easier than Linux used to be due to Steam, and I find I more often have problems with smaller indie games than big ones.
I’ve been playing Cyberpunk, Baldurs Gate 3, Stellaris, No Man’s Sky, Crusader Kings 3 no problem. Plus many others.
I tried to game on Linux for many years with wine, but it was Steam that actually made it feasible for me .
This was me a few weeks ago and I decided to install PopOS.
They make laptops that ship with nvidia GPUs so naturally they would want their OS up to date and working with the drivers. I do tinker here and there but so far I think it’s a good set-and-forget OS.
I looked into it and tried it myself just today. For the most part it’s fine but you’ll have to be prepared to do some tinkering here and there. Most of the games I wanted to play are listed on proton as works but with some issues.
I set up popOS yesterday and tried to install satisfactory today via steam but it wouldn’t let me and when I filtered my games lost for Linux it shrank down to a very small list. Iirc it was listed on proton as gold or even platinum so there must be a way to get satisfactory to run but I honestly couldn’t be asked today so I set up dual boot and went back to windows for now.
I think that’s the way to got for a newbie. Set up dual boot and whenever you have the time & patience to try to get something to work on Linux go for it but when you just want to relax and play some games (or multiplayer) boot up windows.
I think Linux for everyday use is just fine even though popOS could use some UX designers.
classic microsoft, shoving things down users’ throats without consent.
I wonder if Microsoft will get the point if people keep asking it “Can I use msconfig to disable copilot?”
msconfig for those unaware:
deleted by creator
It just suddenly appeared yesterday on my daughter’s Windows 10 notebook. We played with it for like 2 minutes, decided it sucked, never went back. I mean what’s the point of an AI which, when asked, “draw a picture of how stupid you are” (my daughter’s idea) ends the conversation?
Recently I changed to Linux (running fedora) and I haven’t looked back since. removed Windows
Not ANOTHER thing I need to disable when I do a clean install…
May as well add it to the .reg file you cart around on your thumb drive. I have one that already disables all the Windows “consumer features” and turns off all the lock screen nags, Cortana (this is no longer relevant, though), etc.
It’s in:
And also:
In both locations, create a DWORD “TurnOffWindowsCopilot” and set it to 1. Reboot.
Debian + KDE Plasma, folks.
Believe me, you don’t need Windows.
The pain of being dumb enough to buy a brand new gaming notebook with an nvidia gpu… But I’ll return as soon as possible. The pain of using win 11 is unbearable.
It’s not like you can’t use Linux on a laptop with Nvidia GPU. It’s just that AMD works better (and isn’t as much of a PITA in how they treat regular Linux customers).
Yes, I know. I used a notebook with a 950 before and it worked perfectly fine. But with this new one I get too many error messages for now under Linux, many games and other stuff that worked pefectly fine on Linux on my old 2016 model Notebook, didn’t work at all and the only thing I could find out is that this are some driver problems. I decided to wait a while and try again. No time for a neverending odysee of tinkering nowadays. I will try Kubuntu next month, hoping the newer Kernel will take care of my problems and if it works probably move to Linux Mint 23 later on.
Everybody preefer 10 for sure. They don’t follow what people wants
We still use Win 10 at work. I prefer any Debian based Distro, but the differences between 10 and 11…
If you are not a creator or a gamer may be…
Linux is great for both these days.
As long as you don’t have tons of peripherals, don’t want to play Fortnite and don’t need 200 pieces of software, and if you have enough knowledge, yes, it can be the solution. It’s still difficult to do the swap for companies, or if you don’t have any skills related to computers.
Didn’t they already do this? I thought I remember after a Windows 11 update a couple of months ago I had that copilot shit on the taskbar and auto-enabled.
I disabled that shit immediately
I’m in the EU. I already uninstalled Copilot.
FWIW and for anyone else reading this, I am running Win10 Pro in the US on my work machine and it let me uninstall Copilot just now when I tried it.
Yeah me too. It was annoying.
I’m in the insider program (been too lazy to reset my computer and leave it) and for a while it would auto launch with the sidebar open for a bit. I had to close the copilot sidebar every time I booted my computer. They have since removed that “feature”
It looks like Microsoft try to do everything to be hated.
It looks like Microsoft try to do everything to
be hatedmake money.FTFY
They’re not good at it then if you at the debacle around Xbox.
I assume Copilot is emanating an ear piercing sound as it escapes the confines of her laptop in that thumbnail art.