Basically what techradar is as a whole. Ad pieces and listicles with baity headlines.
Alt: [email protected]
Basically what techradar is as a whole. Ad pieces and listicles with baity headlines.
That is a wonderful chart.
Congratulations. Great to see growth :)
As for why, it’s probably due to the censorship screws getting tighter at Reddit. Luigi is a bad word. Eating the rich is verboten. Just 2 examples. Interacting/upvoting such content is now also an offense even if you didn’t write it yourself.
For many, it’s their stop to get off the train. Mine was the API boogaloo.
With any luck, they’ll take some of the users bailing out of Reddit on the nostalgia factor, become mediocre, and die. Again.
Used FF forever, even though the birth and rise of Chrome.
We’re done. The company I IT for therefore is also done. As are friends and family I sort computers for.
The shit now stinks and must be taken out.
You might not have access to the keys for a long period of time.
Only need a moment to take a code and leave the keys there. If the car isn’t otherwise monitored, theft of contents without keys would be trivial.
You’re probably getting busted anyway, but the concept is there.
Grab some keys out a bag in the office while the owner isn’t looking.
Grab a code (it’s out of vehicle range, being inside).
Go to the car park, replay the code and loot the car.
You’d be caught quickly, but it’s doable.
An SDR can be made to jam, even if that is not the normal purpose. Just like a kitchen knife can be used to murder people, instead of its normal culinary purpose.
Of course an F0 can’t clone a rolling code as-is. I never said it could. But it can harvest and replay a single or multiple consecutive codes just fine, providing the original key is not used in the meantime. Only need physical access to the key while it is out of range of the vehicle.
This alone puts the F0 on dangerous ground as an “electronic device (such as a signal jammer) for use in theft of a vehicle or theft of anything in a vehicle”
People have locked out their original keys by messing with this before.
The point is that our laws are reactionary, vague, and open to too much interpretation.
If someone gets shit stolen out their car and I happen to be nearby, then I will become suspect merely through possession. Even without intent.
Typical BBC reporting of anything technical.
Keyless repeaters and signal amplifiers scramble the signal from remote key fobs inside people’s homes, enabling criminals to unlock cars.
No, they don’t. The situation described is a relay attack on keyless entry/start. Jamming is used in a two stage attack, where the device intercepts the first signal and stores it without allowing the car to ‘see’ it by jamming. The user then tries a second time.
This time the signal is intercepted the same way, and the first signal is played back to the car from the device. The second signal is stored and can be replayed later to bypass a rolling code setup.
It’s very niche and the stored signal quickly becomes obsolete anyway.
Sophisticated electronic devices used by criminals to steal cars are set to be banned
Making or selling a signal jammer could lead to up to five years
Jenny Simms said the possession, manufacture, sale and supply of signal jammers had provided an “easily accessible tool for criminals… for far too long”.
These devices have no legitimate purpose
Basically, fuck you if you happen to have or build a Software Defined Radio (SDR). Again with the UK ‘clamping down’ on something that does have plenty of legitimate use.
I use an F0 for toying with my own equipment, as an interface for my smart devices and as a general purpose keyfob. I may be arrested just for possessing it.
The crims will not care a jot and this only serves to restrict/annoy legitimate users.
The fault and solution lies with the manufacturers who implement insecure tech, and with the users who blindly sacrifice pounds of security for ounces of convenience.
Monetizing is what ruins other places.
I like the way my home instance does financial backing through an open model, and that’s part of why I chose it.
An ideal is enough contributors to keep the lights on and to reimburse the admins for their time spent in keeping it afloat. Moderation should always be a volunteer position for those that want to support their individual communities.
Any excesses in finance I would hope go towards future running costs (to a point), feature development and then charitable donations in that order. Non-profit on paper and in practice.
This is viable for a small instance. Maybe even larger ones if the users are altruistic enough as a whole.
So they do.
That’s really neat!
Site either respects system light/dark theme or is dark by default. Either way, it’s a plus for me that is often forgotten.
Guides are simple enough and the illustrations are cute.
You’ve got the balance of plugging your own instance while reminding visitors that there are others just right.
All useful info and not so much of it that it is overbearing.
I buy and sell drives occasionally. Even shitty old IDE drives with 5, 10 years of runtime are worth something to someone.
Bought one recently just to get an old lathe PLC (really just an old PC with DOS software control) running again.
It would be better if the server could detect bots and send them down a rabbit hole
Already possible: Nepenthes.
The first BloodRayne game (after the intro level, which is plain bad and almost nazi-free) sees a lot of bitten, shot, dismembered, burned, possessed and exploded nazis.
Honestly the gameplay is a bit clunky even for its time, but if what you need is dead nazis then it very firmly ticks the box.
Also remastered: BloodRayne: Terminal Cut
If you shit out a ring, you’d best hope you haven’t been skipping your kegels.
I miss heated mirrors now that you mention it. My 2003 Civic had them but the 2012 Corsa does not. Joys of poverty spec - I’m lucky to have electric windows.
With good climate (not a rust belt) and being fortunate enough to not blow an engine, it should do well with diligent maintenance.
Mostly why mine still goes. The bodywork is utter crap - full of scratches, dings, dents and the front end looks like someone dropped a running belt sander on it. Ex write-off. Mechanically though it is sound.
My worry is the timing chain. Chains last longer than belts, but they are a dog to change and generally not worth the labour. It will be that or a crash that sends it to the great scrappy in the sky.
Mid-90s a bit too early for me. I am fond of ABS (mandatory here since '04) and airbags ('98) at the very least. Not always a guarantee on cars of that era. Love the looks though.
Best of luck with your teenager.
It’s a good point.
I’d hazard a guess that they are more in the minority than before though. Closest I have seen is friend-of-a-friend referrals for nominal cost pirate IPTV services that provide cable channels & movies. Even then they are paid, and most invite trouble by just going at it without a VPN. Current going rate is £50 for a year here - bring your own Fire stick.
Funny you should mention Synology though, ours is running an Emby server for media here. Having everything properly catalogued (and presented with flair) is fantastic.
Not out of the goodness of their own hearts mind. It’s probably more because Euro NCAP are going to be deducting score for not having physical essentials in 2026.