Tesla has always been synonymous with cutting-edge technology.
LMAO 😂🤣😂
One thing.
Tesla has never been known for luxury at all. I’d bet my ioniq phev was more luxurious and my 5 most definitely is.
For US Market maybe yes, but countries like China, Brazil, India or any Asian country $40k car is a luxury
Luxury isn’t about price point. And last I checked, you couldn’t get a new tesla for 40k.
Saying that tesla is luxury is like saying that McDonald’s is fine dining.
Do yourself a favor and look up the comparable pricing for the ioniqs versus tesla. Tesla has always been overpriced (from factory) for what it offered.
Tesla is in the process of failing unless drastic action is taken.
IDK Musk is taking pretty drastic action, but I suspect that will make it fail faster.
They need to fire more people IMO, but only 1 more.
If BYD weren’t stealing western designs I might consider them. They are saving a lot of cost from not having to do much RnD
Source? Or is it just a matter of “it has the same shape as a western car, and a steering wheel = omfg IP theft”?
Their current flagship is basically a 1-1 copy of some porsche ev
So you’re just talking about the look of the car? Because BYD has been doing EVs far longer than Porsche, so if anyone is doing a rip-off of the tech, it would be Porsche.
As far as design goes, BYD’s aesthetics in recent years has a lot to do with them hiring big-shot European designers like Wolfgang Egger. If they’re pulling from the same talent pool as other top carmakers, it’s not so obvious why you’d accuse BYD of copying others, and not vice versa.
If they are affordable and sold here I may consider them. Affordability and knobs and buttons are all I want.
If they make a small truck on top of that, I’d start saving today.
But I’m starting from zero knowledge, so this is all whimsical atm.