If it isn’t on your shelves (or server) it isn’t your library, it’s someone else’s access.
If buying isn’t owning, then pirating isn’t stealing.
Fair winds and following seas to you fellow sailors, arrrrr
From my nixos config.
Corps are fucked, I’ve got no issues pirating content. If I want to support someone I’ll pay up but the majority of content is background filler for me.
Why would I want to sub to Amazon just to watch Jeremy Clarkson’s new show, where he was paid $200m to support him? It baffles the mind the volume of cash that’s thrown around in that world.
I’d much rather spend my money down the pub on a Sunday, which is owned by locals, has local beers on tap with a local solo musician jamming out the front.
For me, there’s much more value in an experience with the quirks of it being live, a quick witted bartender, a great cover, an old bloke retelling stories he’s told 100 times before, a forgotten lyric or even a snapped string on a guitar.
Or I’m starting to show my age 😎
Nah man you got the right mindset, I’m right there with you. Fill’em full’ah day light! Arrrrr
What’s the config?
It’s fairly basic, am migrating to OCI containers for majority of services.
Will be defining paths in the OCI containers currently it’s manually configured for the most part. Mainly to do with folder perms being a bitch like networking (for me).
The power to destroy a thing is the absolute control over it
- Paul Muad’DibStreaming for things you consume. Offline media for things you like.
Should companies work on improving access to services and making sure paying consumers get a better experience?
Nah, let’s spend more money paying lawyers to go after a few people, that’ll show em.
You will own nothing and be happy.
This is why I’m actually ok with Hulu. All the Futurama, archer, and Rick and Morty episodes are worth the monthly fee everything else is a bonus. If those disappear I’m ok with cancelling the service.
Yeah, if it’s in “The Cloud” it’s NOT yours and it can disappear or be modified without your knowledge or consent at any time.
Buy some external storage and keep copies of everything you care about.
Is there a good way to pay for a download of movies or TV, or should I go back to buying physical and ripping?
Real debrid?
Yeah that’s why I buy DVDs if it’s something that I actually want to keep. I don’t mind streaming as long as you understand that you own nothing.
This article isn’t about streaming like Hulu or Netflix.
Yeah, got rid of all my CDs a few years ago and now I’m buying them back a bit at the time because of all the stuff that is going out of print and you can no longer stream.
Should have just stored everything.