I cannot see how Amazon expects to profit on this. Seems wildly expensive/complex and I’d rather wait than pay more for shipping.
I mean, if I could order some random stuff and have it delivered by drone in less than an hour even if it’s 1am then that’s pretty great.
I’m sure all the neighbors will be stoked being awoken by a drone at 1 am 😂
Personally, I prefer a quiet neighborhood over faster delivery.
But are they going to be flying? The project has been in a death spiral for years.
Given how the “shop and walk out” process worked, they’ll probably outsource it to people paid to throw packages on parachutes over your fence while they make a buzzing noise.
The “just walk out” concept was great, I got a bunch of free groceries!
The noise complaints and landing safety issues are definitely a problem, but the cost savings potential and sustainability/safety effects of taking delivery trucks (or your car to the mall) off the road is a huge win.
I can see how noise and landing safety issues delivering to your property can really stall this. However, landing to an approved and managed community mailbox (or rooftop delivery zone in dense areas) might avoid some of those issues.
There’s still the issue of birds, which do not like these things in their airspace and, depending on the size, will absolutely either attack drones or be maimed by them. Also, helicopters and small planes often fly quite low. We haven’t had a great record with autonomous cars, but sure, let’s try autonomous flying drones. What could go wrong?
I didn’t know they were still doing this. I remember jokes in Parks and Rec about this forever ago.