Not judging, just wondering
When I play online games I periodically write “T R A N S R I G H T S” in the chat because I know it bothers some people
lol that is pretty rich
hell no, and let me say, I don’t like your tone!
Why the fuck would you do that?
I don’t. Asking if anyone does
Then what do you call this?!?
A question
I do not.
I do however post things sometimes people find inflammatory. like I share something of what life is like outside the USA I get a lot of people upset when that’s different to their lives.
Or when something takes a joke seriously, which is inevitable when posting jokes online.
I shall never hold back though, never be restrained by the inability of others to get it!
I have occasionally gone too far and been too combative in posts, and sought out topics where I know I will blow off some steam, so to speak…
But I always post in the proper place and, even if it is a bit bait-y, I do not think I really look for a fight with normal people out of nowhere.
Yea I don’t get that vibe either
You mean like the times when I kick puppy dogs, throw kittens into lakes, and club baby seals?
What do baby seals like to do on a Friday night?
I’m sure people do. But I’m not a sociopath so no not my thing.
Although, maybe if I examine myself a bit more deeply, I have definitely been a little troll-y / ridiculous in responding to some particularly batshit comments. But I’d not make a post for the specific purpose of being inflammatory
That can get tiresome
Sometimes when I’m bored, it’s the online equivalent of poking something with a stick
Ah. Dam that’s a good ass analogy. Shit is fucking true
What is your damage?
Fuck me gently with a chainsaw
40 hit points
dramanauts do
First time hearing that term