If u make privacy illegal then only criminals will have privacy.
If u make privacy illegal then only cops, spooks, governments, billionaires and other criminals will have privacy. FTFY.
Yep, you just said the same thing with more words 😁
If u make privacy illegal then only
copscriminals,spookscriminals,governmentscriminals,billionairescriminals and other criminals will have privacy. FTFY.FTFY.
And on Tuesday, 37 Members of Parliament signed an open letter to the Council of Europe urging legislators to reject Chat Control.
“We explicitly warn that the obligation to systematically scan encrypted communication, whether called ‘upload-moderation’ or ‘client-side scanning,’ would not only break secure end-to-end encryption, but will to a high probability also not withstand the case law of the European Court of Justice,” the MEPs said. “Rather, such an attack would be in complete contrast to the European commitment to secure communication and digital privacy, as well as human rights in the digital space.”
I hope to fuck this shit won’t get passed
As your own quote says, we can at least hope that if it passes, it will be found illegal by the courts and get rescinded.
Regardless of the supposed motivations, this is mass surveillance on a scale never seen before. The EU wants to become China 2.0.
It’s really disappointing
Why the need to compare to China though? People can understand that mass surveillance is bad without resorting to “China bad”. Go ask Snowdon if China is the mother of all surveillance.
Idk why communists defend China’s every move. Communism can be defended without excusing China’s authoritarian practices. I have Chinese friends living in China who tell me all kinds of horrific stories that they’ve had to deal with because of China’s mass surveillance (and more). That isn’t western propaganda, that’s people’s lived experiences. There is literally a “Great Firewall of China” lmao. China IS bad when it comes to their mass surveillance and suppression of speech. USA IS bad when it comes to their letting giant corporations have such free rein that it makes us all into serfs. Why compare to China? Because China is a great comparison.
I put “communists” in scare quotes when they’re defending every action from a state capitalist nation that produces hundreds of billionaires.
How am I defending china? I just don’t see the need to go “oh look like X country” whenever the EU or the US do something bad. We’re plenty bad ourselves
Because it’s a comparison most people understand and it put things in perspective. Seems obvious enough to me.
As someone who doesn’t know much about China aside from the high competitiveness of their academic environment, I’m curious as to what sort of issues your friends face due to surveillance? Does it affect their day to day lives? Or does it just foster an atmosphere of “be careful what you say”?
It’s highly likely that these laws will be passed because more people are voting for right wing leaders in EU, Right wing heavily supports this. If EU sets the example soon the whole world will follow.
Not just in the EU…
they call themselves “right wing”, but they arent. See here in orbanistan (hungary) orban and all his comrades were commie state party functionals, or were at least the part in the commie youth organization. Also they vote down 23 times (as of now) the disclosure of the commie state party agent files, serving commie dictatorships like PRC, and the soviet union mourner putin, etc. Just like AFD in germany, etc…
Communism is when you perpetuate the class relations of your country in an authoritarian manner. Oh wait, or was it backwards…
no true scotsman fallacy
What a bullshit law. If things have flaws, they don’t just have flaws for the benefit of police or government agencies. They have flaws for anyone that knows them or discovers them. This stuff will still be accessible for smart criminals, even more so in corrupt governments.
An encryption with exploits is not an encryption, it’s a time bomb and it will blow up in your face at the worst moment.
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Sneaky dickens…
that’s what you get for having 2/3 right wing parties in the EU parliament