Well shucks, all they did was drive out their most active content makers and cut themselves off from hundreds of thousands of dollars in free moderation labor. Who could possibly have seen this coming?
Cool, what does this mean, intelligently?
It’s kinda funny on Reddit, you would have had to pay for your picture comment. I’m happy to donate to lemmy, but putting features like this behind paywalls is silly.
You have to pay to post pics? When did that happen?
It was recent.
I’m going to have to trust you because I’m not going back there to check.
Reddit’s value as a social media platform drops as it’s value to advertisers rises. The karma system is democratic, the userbase shapes the visual content on the site, that’s was makes it useful. The more mutilated it becomes in service of extracting money from advertising, the less genuine it is, and the less people will seek to use it.
Spez would like to believe Reddit is a cow that can be milked forever.
In reality Reddit is a pig that Spez seems to believe he can get bacon from forever. Except to get that bacon, you have to kill it, and you can only do that once.
Reddit who?
If I can’t browse my way, I simply don’t use the site.
If reddit pops up in a search result on my browser, wellll best believe I have multiple adblockers making sure their ads don’t load.
And every time a Reddit results show up, I’m immediately reminded why I don’t want to go there by an error telling me that I can’t use the site without logging in.
Fortunately, just changing the link to old.reddit.com still works even through VPN, but removed this behavior. I do that only for questions I really need an answer and couldn’t find anywhere else, and most of the time the replies are shit anyway.
I honestly can’t believe they haven’t killed old.reddit yet.
I’m doing my part! thanks ublock!
I read somewhere that Reddit cannot advertise on its sexually explicit subs, so I use Reddit exclusively for smut. Lemmy for all my non-smut needs