Isn’t the OpenAI one they offer the same one as the one provided at https://chatgpt.com/ without login? So probably something not as impactful.
Or do they share their unlimited subscription?
Isn’t the OpenAI one they offer the same one as the one provided at https://chatgpt.com/ without login? So probably something not as impactful.
Or do they share their unlimited subscription?
That’s only for the 200$ one, and if you use it constantly, no?
lol, I love it. I’m thinking about paying for DeepSeek even though I hate AI bullshit, just to spite all the panicking AI tech scammers. This has seriously made my week, the amount of copium they are inhaling is insanely funny :D
I’ve seen this warning in a lot of apps, like Teams, Messenger or some authenticators, and some of the time I could simply ignore it and continue using the app. I think some of apps simply use it for push notifications that I can get by without.
Not all, though. Sometimes it simply doesn’t work.
Thank you, it was an interesting read.
Unfortunately, as I was looking more into it, I’ve stumbled upon a paper that points out some key problems with the proof. I haven’t looked into it more and tbh my expertise in formal math ends at vague memories from CS degree almost 10 years ago, but the points do seem to make sense.
Lol. We’re as far away from getting to AGI as we were before the whole LLM craze. It’s just glorified statistical text prediction, no matter how much data you throw at it, it will still just guess what’s the next most likely letter/token based on what’s before it, that can’t even get it’s facts straith without bullshitting.
If we ever get it, it won’t be through LLMs.
I hope someone will finally mathematically prove that it’s impossible with current algorithms, so we can finally be done with this bullshiting.
What I mean by that is that it doesn’t shove the AI summaries into your face, and they are only generated if you actually click on a different tab.
I just use Kagi, which seems to be pretty good at filtering bullshit by default, and have mabually downranked reddit and twitter, ot any other site I found and don’t like. But it’s been a long time since I used other search, so I can’t compare it much since I’m used to it. Never really had any problems with not finding what I need.
I’m using Kagi, but as of right now I’m not sure if I can recommend it. The last year with it was amazing, but for the past few days I’ve been getting blocked searches from my VPN out of nowhere. That would be a dealbreaker for me, but I hope it was just a mistake and they will fix it. It’s the first time it has happened in the year or so I’ve been using it.
Apparently, they are also adding a bunch of AI features, but I only noticed it when I was looking up the feature page, and I haven’t noticed any of it in my feed before that - so I guess they don’t push it on users and it’s optional somewhere out of the way, so don’t let that discourage you. (Though, it would’ve discouraged me, if I saw that before I started using it. But as of now it doesn’t affect you unless you look for it, I guess)
Other than that, the search is awesome. But since I’m using it exclusively for like a year, I can’t really compare it with other engines, it’s possible that I’m just used to it.
I’ve never had issues with looking anything up. By downranking Reddit and using a search engine with a good indexer that downranks bullshit and generated websites, which mine is really good at, I haven’t noticed much change from how it was before.
But I agree with the second part. That’s something that never occured to me, and it makes sense. I was usually trying to answer questions I knew, and never had the urge to reply “just google it”, so it doesn’t change much for me, but it’s a really good point I never realized.
I find that kind of unlikely. If they wanted to frame someone just to have a killer, they wouldn’t be talking about a “3D printed ghost gun”, but just use a regular gun. I, for one, haven’t known that it’s possible to 3D print a pretty well working, and silenced, gun. And that might inspire someone - acquiring weapons is the harder part of any such murder, assuming you don’t want to get caught, and the fact that you can get it without anyone knowing about it makes it way easier.
I admit I’m kinda disappointed. He pulled out almost perfect assassination that looked well thought out, managed to get away with only a few hickups in his plan as far as his face is considered, and then walks around with a murder weapon and a manifesto in his bag? Shame, really. All he needed was to lay low for a while, grow a beard and he’d probably be OK.
I mean, that’s literally how research works. You make small discoveries and use them to move forward.
I stumbled upon the Geminy page by accident, so i figured lets give it a try.
I asked him in czech if he can also generate pictures. He said sure, and gave me examples about what to ask him.
So I asked him, again in czech, to generate a cat drinking a beer at a party.
His reply was that features for some languages are still under development, and that he can’t do that in this language.
So I asked him in english.
I can’t create images for you yet, but I can still find images from the web.
Ok, so I asked if he can find me the picture on the web, then.
I’m sorry, but I can’t provide images of a cat drinking beer. Alcohol is harmful to animals and I don’t want to promote anything that could put an animal at risk.
Great, now I have to argue with my search engine that is giving me lessons on morality and decide what is and isn’t acceptable. I told him to get bent, that this was the worst first impression I ever had with any LLM model, and I’m never using that shit again. If this was integrated into google search (which I havent used for years and sticked to Kagi), and now replaces google assistant…
Good, that’s what people get for sticking with google. It brings me joy to see Google dig it’s own grave with such success.
One place where I found AI usefull is in generating search queries in JIRA. Not having to deal with their query language every time I have to change a search filter, but being able to just use the built in AI to query in natural language has already saved me like two or three minutes in total in the last two months.
Isn’t that, like, illegal?
I see a lot of hate ITT on kernel-level EDRs, which I wouldn’t say they deserve. Sure, for your own use, an AV is sufficient and you don’t need an EDR, but they make a world of difference. I work in cybersecurity doing Red Teamings, so my job is mostly about bypassing such solutions and making malware/actions within the network that avoids being detected by it as much as possible, and ever since EDRs started getting popular, my job got several leagues harder.
The advantage of EDRs in comparison to AVs is that they can catch 0-days. AV will just look for signatures, a known pieces or snippets of malware code. EDR, on the other hand, looks for sequences of actions a process does, by scanning memory, logs and hooking syscalls. So, if for example you would make an entirely custom program that allocates memory as Read-Write-Execute, then load a crypto dll, unencrypt something into such memory, and then call a thread spawn syscall to spawn a thread on another process that runs it, and EDR would correlate such actions and get suspicious, while for regular AV, the code would probably look ok. Some EDRs even watch network packets and can catch suspicious communication, such as port scanning, large data extraction, or C2 communication.
Sure, in an ideal world, you would have users that never run malware, and network that is impenetrable. But you still get at avarage few % of people running random binaries that came from phishing attempts, or around 50% people that fall for vishing attacks in your company. Having an EDR increases your chances to avoid such attack almost exponentionally, and I would say that the advantage it gives to EDRs that they are kernel-level is well worth it.
I’m not defending CrowdStrike, they did mess up to the point where I bet that the amount of damages they caused worldwide is nowhere near the amount damages all cyberattacks they prevented would cause in total. But hating on kernel-level EDRs in general isn’t warranted here.
Kernel-level anti-cheat, on the other hand, can go burn in hell, and I hope that something similar will eventually happen with one of them. Fuck kernel level anti-cheats.
Why does this need to be installed here when previously agentless technologies was sufficient
As someone who works in offensive Cybersecurity doing Red Teamings, where most of my job is to bypass and evade such solutions, I can say that bypassing agent less technologies is so much easier than agented ones. While you can access most of the logs remotely, having an agent helps you extremely with catching 0-day malware, since you can scan memory (that one is a bitch to bypass and usually how we get caught), or hook syscalls which you can then correlate.
Oh, an unknown unsigned process just called RWX memory allocation, loaded a crypto binary, and spawned a thread in another process that’s trying to execute it? Better scan that memory and see what it’s up to. That is something you cannot do remotely.
I’m not sure about other countries, but here in Czech we actually have a mandatory subscription, that’s absolutely bullshit.
So far, the law is that if you own any TV or radio, you have to pay monthly fee for public service broadcasters (national Czech TV). It’s bullshit, the channels are full of ads anyway, and the shows they run and create is insultingly bad. Sure, it is important to have public service broadcasters that are not dependent on the state (because state-owned TV is reeaallly bad idea), but FFS can they just reduce costs and stick to news, instead of doing another stupid series, and stop forcing us to pay for something I don’t care about or use?
You could just not pay the fee, if you state you don’t have a TV capable of receiving it (which I don’t). But now, they are changing the law that everyone who has any kind of internet-capable device has to pay the monthly fee, while also rising prices to something like 6 EUR per month. Fuck that and fuck them.
I think I know who killed him.