Lots of poor people used Redbox.
At least poor people still have the public library.
For now.
I think I’ll take one home.
Quick! Everybody run to redbox, and rent EVERYTHING.
Not like you have to return disks to a service and box thats no longer fuctional!
Yep…I see no flaws in this plan! Just a smart guy doing smart things!
Hey…we should build a monorail to the moon!!! And then brag about our redbox gains!!!
Redbox Gains. That sounds a lot like my failed thrash ambient band.
I should see if I can find some working ones tomorrow and take out a few games and see what happens if I never return them lmao
Don’t you have to enter a credit card before it gives you the disc? I imagine they will just charge you later though maybe it’ll slio through the cracks.
It could potentially work out like netflix letting users keep the discs they had.
I remember being able to rent video games from these. Some days you might see 2 people in line for one of these things.
I wonder how many discs one machine holds? Might replace a bunch of bookshelves…
This is what the inside of a Redbox kiosk looks like:
I hope of I were to get a pre-paid card and use that on a Redbox before they close them down that I could get away with getting free DVDs/Blu-ray, assuming that there’s anything good in them and that nobody comes after me for that.
I will not mind walking past the boxes anymore.