A celebrity with an unhealthy obsession with you. Constantly stalking you.
Gilbert Godfrey
Your ears would fall off
It’s late at night. You cut through Sharon Gardens Cemetery. As you walk past a grave the grass starts to shift and heave. An arm comes out of the ground, followed by a head, shoulders, torso, and the rest of a body. The zombie shuffles to its feet and starts stumbling towards you.
In a shrill voice it says: “A TALENT AGENT IS SITTING IN HIS OFFICE…”
Gary Busey would be pretty terrifying
Holy shit…
Actual cannibal, Shia LaBouf
So he literally eats ass 🤔
Here’s the Shia LaBeouf song, it’s excellent if you haven’t seen it, or if you have: https://youtu.be/o0u4M6vppCI?si=xeEavk2sLojwHH_t
pseudo science Jesus, Tom Cruise would top my list