• masquenox@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    You have completely and utterly misused

    Lol! No Clyde - I haven’t. Nationalism is a very simple thing - it’s not my fault you associate nationalism with fascism (which is always just false nationalism) or capitalism (which is perfectly incompatible with the beliefs of anyone who actually fetishizes a given nation state - even fascists like Francisco Franco understood that). The US has spent more resources combating nationalism in the middle-east than socialism - do you think they did that because nationalism is so “compatible” with capitalism?

    I hate to be the one to break it to you - but Fidel Castro was far more of a nationalist than Adolf Hitler was. In fact, the majority of the anti-imperialist campaigns waged against colonial power during the (so-called) “Cold War” was nationalist in nature - not socialist.

    The historic link between nationalism and capitalism

    There are those who will pretend that there are “historic links” between liberalism and democracy, too - even though they are violently incompatible concepts. “Historic links” doesn’t mean anything.

    You can call the US “democratic” and the USSR “socialist” all you want - but that does not make any of it reality.

    • Caveman@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      Fidel Castro and Adolf Hitler were both nationalists, Hitler was also fascist. I think you might have a inaccurate definition of nationalism.

      • masquenox@lemmy.world
        8 months ago

        I think you might have a inaccurate definition of nationalism.

        Sorry - I don’t see it. It’s very easy for fascists to wear the trappings of nationalism - fascists will wear whatever gets them into power - but of all the things Fascist Italy, Showa Japan and Nazi Germany had in common a concern with the welfare of the people living inside the nation state wasn’t one of them… you know - the only point nationalism ever had? There’s a reason we separate the concept of ethno-nationalism from that of just plain ole’ nationalism.

        Nationalism is concerned with the welfare of the actually existing nation state - not the alt-fantasy empires fetishized by fascists. In fact, the three fascist examples above was far, far more imperialist than they were nationalist, and you’d be hard-pressed to get any political philosopher to argue that nationalism inherently demands genocidal imperialist expansion.