Well, what other word do you use to teach a kid the alphabet? Xenophoe? Xenomorph?
The name Xavier works because it teaches them to pronounce the letter correctly
Xenon? Xylem? Xenobiology? Xanthoma? Xylocarp? Xiphoid? Xerosis? Xyster? The scrabble favorites xi and xu?
There’s loads of cool words that begin with x
Xylophone: fun, colorful, easy for a kid to remember as a cute little instrument
Xenon: An inert gas used in… MRI scans, I think?
X-ray is probably the only other ‘X’ word with more real-world representation than xylophone, and as pointed out above, that’s not quite representative of how the letter is used phonetically in the rest of the language.
Xylem is a major component of almost all the plants you see. I’m not sure how much more real-world representation you can get…
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