Feels like it would be quicker and easier just to write the code myself at that point…
Feels like it would be quicker and easier just to write the code myself at that point…
I think the sky is a mod, though i’m not 100% sure because i haven’t played vanilla in years.
The true Skyrim experience.
I’m Luigi and so’s my wife
They used to but the War on Terror increased the demand for SOF so much that they couldn’t afford to be as picky anymore.
Or possibly bottom men and top women
Give your bodies to Atom, my friends. Release yourself to his power, feel his Glow, and be Divided
They have since been bombing the shit out of residential areas which is significantly less surgical…
Just so long as there are no Russians coming in the other side this time…
Xylem is a major component of almost all the plants you see. I’m not sure how much more real-world representation you can get…
Xenon? Xylem? Xenobiology? Xanthoma? Xylocarp? Xiphoid? Xerosis? Xyster? The scrabble favorites xi and xu?
There’s loads of cool words that begin with x
Geeze, spoiler alert dude.
The system can listen to conversations and play ads when there’s a moment of silence. Or play a video when you’re close to the shops.
Oh good, I was worried the slide into dystopia might be slowing down for a second there.
Man, China must be watching this shitshow, looking at Outer Manchuria and wondering what exactly Russia could do about it at this point if they decided to reverse the Treaty of Aigun…
Got to get to Mars for those
Wtf does their browser history look like to be getting those sorts of ads?!
Time for the UK government to make good on all that money we spent rescuing OneWeb…