The internet is boring. All the good stuff is buried in the search engines. I found: which is worth a browse. Submit your cool websites/blogs here in a comment and share some underground web. In the name of fun. is my contribution to the nonshittified web.
This was put together over a long period of time by my paragliding instructor and friend (former engineer for Canada’s space agency - still has a part he designed on the ISS on Canada’s robotic arm):
Loads of useful info and is updated fairly regularly.
Self advertising Personal site and HTTPS facing for my gemini content as well as host to Ctrl-C’s zine. Tilde/Pubnix cluster. This is Tilde, not the knockoff Tildes reddit-thing…
Gemini is pretty neat. Is like an alternative internet, powered by only text and basic formatting. There’s lots of small blogs and webrings on there.
gemini:// my own contributions to gemini content not talking about gemini.
As someone with vision issues? I rather enjoy the protocol for putting display under my control to maximize readability. As someone with ADD I enjoy it for stripping out all the distractions, and as someone who has a passing interest in networking I adore the ‘one request, one response’ ethos of the protocol.
My blog where I talk about computer things
Currently working on
That’s a really cool project. I like your blog I’m going to bookmark it and subscribe to it. You seem really smart. I’ve been trying to dev and make projects work of mine for years with no luck (battle depression), but always happy to see people make awesome things and launch them. Will show all the love and support I can.