And in just under 150 years they’d make it into nets. The world be cray.
(I will be here all week, whether you like it or not)
Its fucking rad too, the sme though. expect to breath hospital-smell for 3 days
The first usage was January 1842 by William E. Clarke, not 1846 by W.T.G. Morton, and there was yet another one that March by Crawford W. Long for a tumor removal. Morton was of course still one of the pioneers of ether as an anaesthetic.
Wow. It’s still pretty intense. I had gas (halothane?) as a 6 year old in about 1991 and they took about 10 teeth…a weird minty smell and then echoes. I woke up with a headache and a strange feeling where my teeth were.
- Then: We’re gonna straight up knock you out.
- Now: If we cheap out on the dose, we can guarantee your shot wears off half way through.
How much of this can he take? The artist is only about 1/4 of the way through the painting