Jujutsu kaisen lol
My thought is that it helps the audience know what exactly they’re doing. Not saying it’s necessary because I think a good visual indication will let the audience know, but I think that’s what they were maybe going for.
It does in Jujutsu Kaisen… sorta.
I like how in JJK it’s a chance to create variation in power levels while also allowing an in-universe reason to expo-dump about a character’s power.
It makes a shonen trope feel like these genius characters aren’t just giving away all their tricks for shits n giggles. But then sometimes we just get a total lack of explanation and that’s fine too because it’s more fun, and the character doesn’t need to (cough Sukuna)
Having lived in Japan for 3 years and experiencing a lot of their culture, I’ve learned that the reason anime characters yell their attacks is because it promotes a fair, honest fight. Japanese people love friendly rivalries, and the only way to truly prove yourself better than your opponent is to give them every advantage and still come out victorious. Only a truly bad person would try to sneak in for an attack and catch their opponent unprepared. And that won’t settle any rivalry, even if they won the fight.
Plus, yelling your attacks just sounds cool.
It’s an established fact in Manga/Anime, if you don’t name your Ultimate move its just not powerful.
Like even Saitama named his ultimate move “Serious Punch” and so far it hasn’t failed.