I’ve been too lazy because of school and my life.
You’re not “lazy”, you’re overwhelmed by your other priorities. There’s nothing wrong with needing to prioritize other things in your life. Maintaining a project like this is no small task and you should be proud of all the work you’ve done.
It sounds like you’re at a point where you’re improving a lot as a developer and starting to become dissatisfied with your older code. Every developer goes through this from time to time, it’s important that you focus on how much you’ve grown instead of tearing yourself down for not being “better” in the past. The only way to learn and improve is to try things and make mistakes. There’s no reason to view these past mistakes as some kind of shame, they’re just the steps that got you from where you were then to where you at now.
If you’re considering buying keys from shady resellers just pirate the game instead. A lot of those keys are bought using stolen CC info and end up getting charged back which leaves the devs having to pay processing fees.
Also Humble is a retailer not a reselller, they get their keys directly from the publishers or developers of the game, they don’t resell keys they bought from someone else.