Uhm, it kinda happened for me, I felt that this girl liked me but she said no the first time. I stuck around, as we were in the same group of friends, and after a while she changed her mind. We’ve been together for over a decade.
Kinda happened for me and I’m the girl in the situation! I had a guy who was creepily obsessed with me and would threaten to hurt himself all the time if he didn’t get his way. He even showed up at my house uninvited once and he always kept insisting we were dating. I kept telling him we were just friends at best, that’s it, but he’d freak out, insist we were lovers, and have a panic attack. Eventually he’d forget all about it and just pretend I never said anything.
I didn’t call the cops because I’m honestly afraid of the police more than him at this point. (The police in this town are as stupid as they are accusatory sadly)
It has a weirdly happy ending. Eventually I just lost all patience and gave him the number for a therapist. He actually went, he realized I was afraid of him.
My plan was to finally “Break up with him” for REAL this time after a therapist set him straight.
He broke down in tears realizing that he was never really my boyfriend, at first he called me heartless saying that it wasn’t fair that from his perspective I had punished him for seeking out therapy I told him to get.
After he calmed down we hung out for a bit, but… then we actually stared dating because it turned out that with his meds keeping him stable he’s actually a wonderful person that I get along well with and I actually DO love him. My family has even pretty much accepted him as part of the fold with my mother saying that it’s like she’s gained a son all of a sudden.
We just spent Halloween together and watched Fritz The Cat while high on shrooms and eating candy, being super lovey dovey with each other and talking about the 70’s…
not making any claims about your friend’s situation, but i’ve seen this happen more than once also–pestering, caving, engagement-- and they ended very badly.
getting engaged or even married does not necessarily mean “happy together”
I watched Reality Bites as a teenager, and I’m convinced it had a negative influence on my life.
The character Ethan Hawke played became my role model, and he’s just not a very good one, at all.
Ya know, it kinda makes sense that Hollywood is full of sex criminals when you look at romantic comedies and are always left wondering “And he’s not in jail why?”
If a girl doesn’t like you, but you just keep pursuing her, everything will eventually work out and you’ll be happy together.
Being told this time and time and time again has really fucked the male psyche over the years.
you don’t say…
The centre of that circle appears to be a tool shop. I don’t like what that might suggest…
it’s an address i lived at years ago. fun fact, there’s a public high school right near the middle
Okay, what’s going on with that particular spot in Tampa? I’m not doing a web search on this, thanks.
the 3 mile radius search returned a “too many hits to display” error, so i had to change it to 1 mile
it’s st. petersburg, and it’s not unique to that area. try your own neighborhood. it’s a govt. website https://www.nsopw.gov/
Next you’ll be telling me that “So, how often do you flick the bean?” is not a great pickup line.
What do you say I take you home and eat your pussy?
– Shark Attack 3
I want to lick you until you weep
Are you my cat? Sometimes he won’t stop!
Haha it’s from a movie.
Uhm, it kinda happened for me, I felt that this girl liked me but she said no the first time. I stuck around, as we were in the same group of friends, and after a while she changed her mind. We’ve been together for over a decade.
It was the boombox outside her window that got her, wasn’t it? /s
I’m betting it was the weekly delivery of flowers with ‘anonymous’ notes that left no doubt who was sending them if a moment’s thought was used.
Actually it was watching Tank Girl together 🤷♂️
Fucking love Tank Girl
Kinda happened for me and I’m the girl in the situation! I had a guy who was creepily obsessed with me and would threaten to hurt himself all the time if he didn’t get his way. He even showed up at my house uninvited once and he always kept insisting we were dating. I kept telling him we were just friends at best, that’s it, but he’d freak out, insist we were lovers, and have a panic attack. Eventually he’d forget all about it and just pretend I never said anything.
I didn’t call the cops because I’m honestly afraid of the police more than him at this point. (The police in this town are as stupid as they are accusatory sadly)
It has a weirdly happy ending. Eventually I just lost all patience and gave him the number for a therapist. He actually went, he realized I was afraid of him.
My plan was to finally “Break up with him” for REAL this time after a therapist set him straight.
He broke down in tears realizing that he was never really my boyfriend, at first he called me heartless saying that it wasn’t fair that from his perspective I had punished him for seeking out therapy I told him to get.
After he calmed down we hung out for a bit, but… then we actually stared dating because it turned out that with his meds keeping him stable he’s actually a wonderful person that I get along well with and I actually DO love him. My family has even pretty much accepted him as part of the fold with my mother saying that it’s like she’s gained a son all of a sudden.
We just spent Halloween together and watched Fritz The Cat while high on shrooms and eating candy, being super lovey dovey with each other and talking about the 70’s…
Life is strange.
I doubt it happens like this for most people.
It worked for a friend of mine. They were friends, he kept trying to get her to date him and after a year of pestering she caved. They’re engaged now.
not making any claims about your friend’s situation, but i’ve seen this happen more than once also–pestering, caving, engagement-- and they ended very badly.
getting engaged or even married does not necessarily mean “happy together”
Yeah, fair enough for the general case. I do think their situation is a good one though.
You just got to wear them down enough, break their willpower. They can learn to love in time.
I watched Reality Bites recently and this was prominently displayed
I watched Reality Bites as a teenager, and I’m convinced it had a negative influence on my life.
The character Ethan Hawke played became my role model, and he’s just not a very good one, at all.
Lmao damn rip
Can recommend ‘pop culture detective’ on that one
Ya know, it kinda makes sense that Hollywood is full of sex criminals when you look at romantic comedies and are always left wondering “And he’s not in jail why?”