• irotsoma@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    That’s just how tech is in the US among several other industries like finance and healthcare, etc. This guy just happens to be being honest about the abuse much like Elan Musk has been for years.

    But many companies expect you to work unlimited hours when you’re a salaried employee. Problem is that the minimum pay for a salaried, “professional” employee until this year was only $684/week, though it finally got raised to $1,128 per week starting next year assuming that doesn’t get reversed by the incoming administration as conservatives are very against minimum wage regulation and have been promising to eliminate it. But with median rent being over $3,000/month in San Francisco, that’s not a lot of money.

    It’s just that office work culture has been devolving back to this idea that employers should own their employees time entirely if they’re paid on a salary basis. It’s not as bad as places like Japan, but its getting there. But if you want to get out of poverty, it’s one of the few ways to move up by “paying your dues” so you can then abuse other young people when you move up (another social concept I despise).

    • Petter1@lemm.ee
      3 months ago

      🫢we have no minimal wage defined in our country, and low earner still earn more than that

      Me, as semi professional get about 1200$ a week (40h week)

      But honestly, they need you workers! Just refuse to work under these conditions, then they have to pay more. They are more dependent on the workers than the workers are dependent on them assholes. Know the power you have and go onto the streets!

      • irotsoma@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        It’s complex. If there was a method for collective bargaining, maybe, but illegal union busting is extremely common and the government agency that enforces that stuff is purposely kept underfunded, so enforcement rarely happens, and because the fines are less than the money they save by union busting, it’s still worth it. Not to mention, there just have never existed unions in “professional” industries like tech. A few have started to pop up but they have had very little luck taking hold due to the union-busting efforts and propaganda. There really is very little middle class in the US anymore, so most people live paycheck to paycheck and missing one or two checks can leave you homeless. And there are very limited safety net programs in most of the US.

        So, companies constantly create cycles of layoff and over-hiring that are coordinated across industries either with direct collusion or just because companies know that when the stock market in their industry goes down, that all the other businesses will be doing the same thing. So, people who have just been laid off are desperate to survive and when you just lost your ability to pay for rent and food, plus lost your medical coverage, and are no longer able to contribute to retirement which social security and Medicare programs no longer are guaranteed to be around in a decade, and there’s only a few months of unemployment benefits which give only a percentage of your pay which was already not enough to afford rent, assuming that the companies don’t illegally pretend that your layoff was actually “for cause”, which has happened to me, and thus making unemployment benefits unavailable, then people are willing to accept less pay each time they change jobs. And most employers no longer offer annual raises that keep up with inflation, so even if you stay with a company for a long time, you end up making less and less over time. And if you quit to go find another job, you have no safety net at all in most states.

        Add to that the extreme un- and under-employment in the country which is not tracked because people who are unemployed for more than a certain period of time are assumed to not want work and drop off the statistics and underemployment is not really tracked. But gig-work is so common now that underemployment is extremely common. So, the competion for jobs that are full time is extremely high.

        Then look at the extreme homelessness issues that people see constantly and fear becoming. And then consider that publicly traded companies are pressured by the system to increase short term profits at the expense of long-term growth, so there’s no incentive to keep a loyal, experienced workforce and every incentive to treat employees as “replaceable cogs”. And the fact that many companies have policies against or at least generally consider it to be a fire-able offense (even if not on paper) to tell coworkers how much money you are paid, so without collective bargaining, there’s often no way to know what you’re being paid less than fairly.

        All of this, and several other factors lead to a job market that generally has every incentive under capitalism to not pay fairly across the board. Sure there are a lot jobs that pay well in tech, finance, etc., but they are the exception that everyone is competing for. So the companies have the power without collective bargaining in place as individuals have very little control over how much jobs pay.

        Anyway, it’s complicated, but workers in the US generally have very few options for employment and have relatively unstable jobs that they rely on to survive. Plus little to no enforcement of the few regulations there are around employment mean that the vast majority of workers take what they can get just to have food and shelter.

        • Petter1@lemm.ee
          3 months ago

          Thank you for explaining 😌this makes me very sad. How can people endure this without starting to rebel?

          • irotsoma@lemmy.world
            3 months ago

            One problem is the push by conservatives towards individualism. The “I don’t have enough to give handouts.” while ignoring the fact that those “handouts” would help them as much as everyone else. Combined with the “American Dream” lie that says “you could be one of those rich people abusing everyone else as revenge.” which goes back to the social concept of “paying your dues” or the Christian ideal that “suffering is holy”. And so they think if they just suffer long enough, that they will eventually be the ones on top making others suffer to serve them. Plus the political setup that keeps it a two party system of lesser evil choice rather than actually having the ability to choose something good. And the prevalence of modern “conservative media” which is just fascist and oligarchical propaganda designed to empower the hateful, murderous minorities among the poor to keep many just trying to not be murdered for being female and daring to get raped, non-christian and daring to be in the country, black and daring to not be a slave, transgender and daring to use the “correct” public bathrooms that shouldn’t exist as gendered in the first place but because the stalls are so revealing end up seeming like they need to be kept in private rooms, though the stalls could just be actual private rooms like in many other places, eliminating the whole need, or whatever demonized group of the month they want people hating to keep them distracted from economic issues and focused purely on survival. It’s not unique to America or setting new, it’s been getting better over time if looked at in terms of centuries or so, but the current version is especially rough, even compared to times like the great depression. But at least technology has made it slightly more survivable than then.

            • Petter1@lemm.ee
              3 months ago

              🫤hope the US people are brave enough to reclaim their country and install a proper democracy for once. In my opinion, best would be based on swiss style of government, but I would love to argue about that 😄