I play games too much, so I’ll categorise them:
New ones I’ve finished and absolutely loved: Dragon Age: The Veilguard and Star Wars: Outlaws
Not new ones that I’m currently playing and really like so far: Days Gone and Mad Max
Not new ones that I’m currently playing that I’m unsure if I like, be it because of the game itself or technical issues: Enshrouded, Horizon Forbidden West, and Satisfactory
Ones I’ve played for some time and won’t stop playing anytime soon (and obviously love): Warframe and Minecraft
What’d you like about veilguard? Were you a big fan of the series before? I want to buy it but the changes from the first one put a pretty bad taste in my mouth.
Not OP, but it’s a very good game that gets better the longer you play it. It more like Mass Effect than Dragon Age in many ways though, but the final stretch especially was almost on the same level as the suicide mission of ME2 IMO. Characters and gameplay are great, dialogue and level design could have been better and the only element that really sucked for me are the godawful outfits and weapons and lack of variation thereof.
Satisfactory, Black Ops 6 (yeah yeah) Zelda echoes of wisdom
How far you into Satisfactory? We just got our turbo fuel powerplant at about 30% capacity, enough for Ficsmas!
I’m in the last tier, nuclear power, but I am extremely choked on computers right now. I’m a spaghetti mess and considering a restart to be more organized.
Aha, do you play with mods? Can make restarting more interesting by mixing it up a bit
I haven’t, but strongly considering mods on a restart knowing what some limitations are.
Stardew Valley
I just cleared $1 million on my current save. Spring of year 3.
I’m old and just started playing Far Cry 5 (haven’t played any of the others before). Very fun.
I have played every Far Cry since the first. In my opinion FC5 is the worst. Boring setting. Far more mundane and repetitive than the others. The forced kidnappings were annoying. The ending was meh. I think FC6 was a refreshing change.
Personally Far Cry Blood Dragon is the best overall. The Vietnam DLC for FC5 is also excellent, even though short. FC4 is also great, and has a truly unique setting and was a lotnof fun with the gyro copter and Yeti. FC3 is good and fun, but it’s overrated.
FC2 I think is the best FC in a spiritual sense. For all its flaws, it truly set out to implement a unique concept the other FC’s have forgotten… that is you set out to accomplish something and everything will go wrong. You were supposed to be frustrated and overthink things. The setting was cool, the story was effed up, and the buddy system was kinda neat.
All Far Cry’s suffer from underdelivering on the story. So much potential with the villains, yet barely seen. People who brag about how cool Vaas is seem to forget you only see him like 3 times, he’s gone by like mid-game, and he wasn’t even the main villain.