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Peertube is now popular than Lemmy according to Fedidb monthly user activity.
The peertube (463.8k) registered accounts is only 1893 users behind lemmy’s (465.7k) Userbase.
I’m really glad more people are seeing the value of the video platform.
The recently released app on the playstore has 1k downloads.
The app store has 2 reviews while the play store has none. Thats funny as android users tend to review more often.
It just goes to show when you build it, the people come.
Videos might also be more popular than text-based forums
True. Also the whole atmosphere of the community matters. And how useful a platform is. And not everybody likes arguing about things. But passively consuming videos is a different story. And the videos are embedded into other websites and Lemmy isn’t. Also a that size every single creator and their followers make a difference.
Now if only there were instances willing to actually host anything worth watching.
most impressive, obi wan has taught you well
The Fedidb graph of active Peertube users shows a huge bump from September to October - an increase of more than 10 000, coming from just over 20 000 in September.
Does anyone have any idea what happened there? Did Peertube change how active users were counted?
Sadly, the nature of some of the biggest Peertube instances makes the whole thing a bit less joyful. The fourth largest instance is obviously dedicated to gore, based on its name. I’m care about my eyes too much to check out the others on the list, beyond which is fine.
I think the mobile app was released around that time, that’s probably what happened
Edit: I was wrong, the mobile app was released in December, I’m unsure what happened then
I thought it was released more recently, but you’re right, the first version was published in September. Still, it seems like a huge bump in users for the release of an app that currently has just north of 1k downloads on Android - and it’s strange that the growth is so contained within one month. I think there’s probably something going one here related to how users are counted.
No my non American friend, that’s December 9th. As in a week ago.
Ah, yikes - that’s what I thought. Never imagined a French software company could lower themselves to M/D/Y haha.
I downloaded the apk because it wasn’t on f-droid yet - maybe others did the same.
Based on the most active servers in that list, I would guess that either something is up with those numbers or the biggest instance actually is a let’s play fan website, and a significant amount of the growth is coming from similar projects.
It is definitely not because of the mobile app, however.
6000 MAU, 46K users, top local videos have views in the hundreds
Thanks to your comment (and this post), I discovered that Rawb now has a peertube instance. I used to follow him when he was actively doing pokémon nuzlocks and also URealms.
It’s probably because a whole bunch of people got their videos fed into AI and a whole bunch of AI channels popped up in YT
I might be totally wrong here, but I think this is people trying to learn linux in anticipation of Windows 11.
Last time I looked at peertube EVERY video was a linux tutorial. So if there’s an influx of people watching linux content, but no influx of linux users, that tells me these are non-users trying to learn what they don’t know.
With that said, my source is my ass, and I may have a huge bias, as I’M currently trying (and failing) to learn linux. I hadn’t considered peertube, but logically now that you mention it…maybe I SHOULD try peertube! I mean it makes sense, right?
What’s MAU
Monthly active users. A metric to show the number of users who are considered active at least once per month.
Anyone know what happened to
When I search for it I am greeted with “502 bad gateway open resty”
I was using it and enjoying it a lot for a couple months then it started that and haven’t been able to access it since.
If I recall @[email protected] operates it?
Looks like its up and running again!
Aaaand back down lol
That’s great news. The actual number of viewers will be higher too because not everyone who’s watching a video will be logged in to a PT account.
About as good as Lemmy.
Great news!
Its still early, but Im trying to use Peertube more and more. Im trying the habit of searching a topic on Peertube first instead of the other site
Sepia search is great for that!
Yeah, that’s what I’ve been using. Its really good!
Awesome. Also, can I shitpost on PeerTube?
i kinda want to upload all my shitposts gallery on PeerTube but i can’t even find a single instance that is open for registration lol