Some young people today are addicted to random likes from strangers. Its sad but its a consequence of growing up on mobile phones with social media apps.
Looking for an alternative to reddit
Some young people today are addicted to random likes from strangers. Its sad but its a consequence of growing up on mobile phones with social media apps.
There is no wisdom in war.
Athena (goddess of wisdom and war, strange combo).
The Volvo EX30 looks good as well but its super plastic and low quality inside. This car will probably follow the same pattern since they need make money on these ones too.
My instance has the same attitude. But of course its easier when being small with hundreds of users rather than thousands.
We have this, crap copied from twitter or crap copied from reddit. Take your pick. :)
To be serious for a minute, I do wish there was more discussions and not just circle jerking. Its funny how everyone left the big platforms but still discusses the exact same things.
Yeah. But its nice to have this platform. Its existence shows that people dont need big tech platforms to find eachother and communicate. Its not perfect but its a stepping stone and an inspiration for others. :)
I guess I need to check it out again. If that is true, its amazing.
I dont know. Not sure what can be improved, because that site keeps sending the majority of users to the large instances. Its against everything the fediverse was supposed to be. Decentralized. Not 5 instances having all users.
But whatever. Im happy on my smaller instance. :)
You can set up wireguard vpn on a tiny instance in Amazon or Google, and bounce traffic through that one. Then you control what gets logged (Amazon may have logs over all outgoing connections from all instances somewhere though).
You can even make it change it’s public ip every day if you want.
AI can put together all that personal data and create very detailed profiles on everyone, automatically. From that data, an Ai can add a bunch of attributes that are very likely to be true as well, based on what the person is doing every day, working, education, gender, social life, mobile data location, bills etc etc.
This is like having a person follow every user around 24 hours per day, combined with a psychologist to interpret and predict the future.
It’s worth a lot of money to advertisers of course.
That ip address at a university is probably forwarding everything to some Chinese government agency. Now they can just blame the university and remove any trace of the real guys.
It started around 9/11 for me, but maybe because I started paying attention. Before that I didn’t even care what they said. After that, it’s like watching the asylum.
Most people are open and friendly but you have to meet them in real life.
I signed up for dinner with strangers thing, meeting five random strangers I didn’t know before. Every single one was friendly and open about their lives.
We all need to be very careful not to think social media is real life. Outside of all this, most people are decent, specially when a bit older.
Take all my money, random dude on the web.
Unhealthy because there is no feeling of hope? I’m OK with that actually. Life is still alright. But I don’t think we actually can change anything important.
Yes, there are ebbs and flows. Sometimes bad people are in charge, sometimes good. And sure, sometimes some very charismatic person is also a good one, and manages to make things a bit better.
But the overall trend is not towards humanity being free of debt slavery, or wars, or greed and power.
Sure but do they matter?
Yeah ok, but… I really don’t think the billionaries in charge care if you vote with your little salaried forced job income… I think if you look at the perspective of having millions or billions, people’s actions don’t matter, like at all.
The average iq in that room would be incredible if it wasn’t for Trump.
Meh. These stats are so flawed. Its like 5 servers having most of the users.
Its like pretending we have this amazing distributed network when its actually extreamly centralized.
But im happy Lemmy is growing, its good.