telegram is for pedos and this one guy i know uses it and i question his motives
telegram is for pedos and this one guy i know uses it and i question his motives
“an iPhone which most youth dont have”
i see you dont live in north america
sorry, your right, i should correct myself, i have TRIED it, but havent fully played it.
i played it. it was dumb to me.
I have played no minecraft. Its just dull and boring. I actually don’t play much games anymore as i haven’t found anything that grabs my attention other than factorio and aurora4x, and even factorio i dont even play much anymore
This in turn is the problem im speaking about. We could go on about it all day. The only people that will use these tools for the most part are us. So naturally we should just be talking to each other, but yeah when it comes to our personal group, not happening.
i want to use IRC but nobody ever talks to me in there
listen we need to have a chat,
you and me and some others on here understand using matrix and signal and whatever for E2EE chats. The people who use discord/facebook messenger/imessage/sms/whatsapp DO NOT GIVE A SHIT about this stuff. They are only going to use what is in pop culture. That’s how it is and i know it sucks, but people think its easy to “Get your family/friends over” whey they laugh at you and say “im not downloading just use x plz”
bye bye!
did you just compare solitaire to gambling?
cool. sadly i find minecraft super boring
damm true.
and ill throw that suggestion into the fucking trash.
can you ducking duck off you ducking ducker?
its a website that has man pages for stuff.
yeah i really hate that
yeah thats the same response “nothing to hide blah blah”
I don’t get her method “I had access to a very powerful computer” what did that even mean?
I know alot of people in my city and its one of the biggest in north america and they have never heard of it.