have we (the human race) ever been to this point before? where corporations are big enough to absorb whole countries and there’s pretty much nobody who’ll stand up to them?
have we (the human race) ever been to this point before? where corporations are big enough to absorb whole countries and there’s pretty much nobody who’ll stand up to them?
it really sucks when you realise that virtually everything is a US company… and yet everything they sell is made in fucking China
I guess I’m the only one thinking about how it’s inevitable that birds and other animals will mistake them for real insects and die from ingesting these things, god knows what kind of toxic materials they’re made of but I’m willing to bet it’s not safe to eat them
is what you just said
yeah that’s really the key to an acceptable youtube experience. after google nuked UBO on chromeOS, sponsorblock is still there to do the heavy lifting. I’ll be switching to a windows machine soon, but for now all I have is my chromebook, which is still functional even without the real UBO-- but I’m sure they’re working on a way to fuck us out of the “lite” version of it and take away extensions like sponsorblock
… and that said, I cancelled years ago after their 3rd price hike in 18 months (in Canada). been sailing the high seas ever since and feel absolutely no guilt whatsoever. I remember their excuse was always something like, “In order to continue to bring you top-shelf content, we must also continue to raise your monthly fee, while at the same time our original content becomes increasingly shitty and we systematically remove quality content from our library, leaving you with horrible Netfux originals as your only option”
and just like FB, reddit, xitter, tiktok, et al, you’re not. it’s just another place for the vainest, most vapid, self-absorbed fucktards to post pictures of their lunch (in between selfies)
Porn addiction can lead to erectile dysfunction
a ton of stuff just started to make sense
for which we may never recover.
um, it’s FROM which, not “for which”
you wouldn’t say “I’ll never recover for this”, would you?
it seems to work on youtube so far, but that could also be due to the previous custom filters I installed months ago when yt ramped up their “no adblocker” campaign. UBO still works in the sense that all of the filters and lists you’ve installed are still there and functioning, you just can’t update the extension. I’m still running UBO alongside UBO lite and it’s working fine for now (knock on wood) until I can afford a new Windows machine.
cool! in no time at all, disposable vapes will usurp cigarette butts as the #1 form of litter across the globe! but in all seriousness, god bless this guy. hopefully his example will inspire people to be slightly less careless and slightly more cognizant of how they dispose of their waste (audience laughter turns to applause)
I’ve been using a chromebook for the last 4 years and it’s been great for my needs (youtube, streaming, porn, etc), but I am shopping for a windows machine now because fuck google.
it’s a policy that has never let me down
Just FYI, the word “hence” literally means “for this reason”. So you just said “for this reason the reason” lol.