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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: November 13th, 2024


  • Late this fall, after all of the nonsense on Reddit, Facebook, and Instagram I asked myself a very simple question.

    “Is the reason I joined these sites still valid? What do I actually enjoy about social media these days?”

    The answer was basically “rose colored glasses.”

    I joined **Reddit **after the ‘deaths’ of Slashdot and Digg. It became my source to get new and interesting content I probably wouldn’t have found otherwise. Now it’s bots arguing with bots and 75+% of the content is just recycled shit by people trying to make money. Much of the rest is from people trying to manipulate you.


    I joined Facebook to keep in touch with my friends and family - especially those I don’t see often. Over time, the amount of good content from people I knew dropped to maybe 25% of my feed. Most of it now is AI-generated bullshit or more of the same recycled content you see on Reddit.


    I joined Instagram to share some of my landscape photos and view some of the great photos some close friends were sharing. Over time that became less and less. Queue the recycled and AI-bullshit content.


    So, I challenge everybody to ask themselves do they actually enjoy social media? Do these sites actually add value to your life and in any way remain true to their promise when you joined them so many moons ago. Are you actually making any connections with people? The ‘social’ in ‘social’ media? Or just watching people talk at each other, not to each other.

    After answering those questions, the answer about whether to stick around is pretty clear.

  • I enjoy that they’re focusing on ‘promoting pirated software and game cheats’ before talking about malware first.

    Cybersecurity ethusiast Karol Paciorek who spotted the playlist said, “cybercriminals exploit Spotify for malware distribution. Why? Spotify has a strong reputation and its pages are easily indexed by search engines, making it an effective platform to promote malicious links.”

    That’s a very different, more helpful story. “Watch out, Spotify links are being used to distribute malware to your computer.”

    When abusing platforms, spammers and scammers leave no stone unturned to promote their agenda.

    Money. They aren’t doing this as part of a ‘peons of the world unite to steal software’ scheme. They’re doing it to generate traffic so they make more ad revenue.