Not for me
Not for me
That’s definitely possible but would make the host OS unusable while the VM is running afaik. Why not dual boot at that point?
With GPU passthrough you can get almost native performance. This requires 2 GPUs though (iGPU as second one should suffice), dunno about the input lag and stability though as I only have one GPU
Without it though? Not even worth trying
They won’t because it works exactly as they want it to
Lmao, women are literally streaming in mini bikinis but VTubers must cover their fucking hips
Fuck Twitch and Amazon for their inhuman work conditions
Fucking ad for a Spyware infested piece of shit
My parents use some, they spam my PCs fucking firewall logs like hell. They also regulary get silent updates which make them slower and slower and slower (which shouldn’t be possible because it’s freezing all the time)
Not bad, although this only seems to affect VLC and not a specific video decoder
From a movie?
Lmao. Show me an exploit that allows you to run arbitrary code from encoded video files, then we’ll talk
Imagine having no internet for real when setting up Windows. I guess the hardware you bought is useless then
Good, hope they get banned in the EU so people will switch to competitors