As someone who drives a mazda with infotainment designed before touchscreens (it has one), I’m fine with this.
As someone who drives a mazda with infotainment designed before touchscreens (it has one), I’m fine with this.
I mean, for NC it’s the Durham/Raleigh suburbs plus Duke University, so plenty of out of staters (seriously, just go to Duke gardens on a weekend, it’s pretty amazing how many languages are spoken). Which would probably explain a lot of it.
NC and TN have some. But we often is.
Make peas, not war.
Phys.org or maybe nature? They’re mostly just seem to be reposts of journals or Nature articles, but they don’t usually have drama and can often be rather interesting. They aren’t necessarily about technology, just scientific advances which is a nice change from all of the enshitification news that almost any tech hub is blaring.
Very much a ymmv, but I use Firefox on windows and Linux, don’t really have an issue with it. Hope it helps!
Maybe try an extension like chameleon? I’ve had it on with ublock when using YouTube for a bit, makes it seem like I’m using chrome to YouTube.
They don’t seem to be: https://youtu.be/BPWX5MYs5Zk
They’ve begun to realize how they’re kinda impossible to really make a profit off of.
Truly erasing the carbon footprint for hundreds of miles around!
Also very, very obviously an open beta.
They have rice?
Probably a plain baked potato?
Oh, I don’t doubt it’s possible, but getting the avg person there is the issue. At my milage, if I really absolutely wanted to go electric, an ebike would frankly be a better option (admittedly, much harder to haul stuff, much less safe, and annoying during the summer which is very hot in my area) for low range stuff. Phev Hybrids are a decent option, but again, if you don’t have a place to charge at night a lot of the benefits are neglected. Not gonna lie, I do actually suspect that that will change in the next 10 years, as tesla have finally hit critical mass I my area, and they are much cheaper to fuel, something that isn’t highlighted enough in my opinion. And I suspect that sodium batteries will more than likely cause it. Having something incredibly cheap to drive is more than likely what will turn the tide of evs, and it is why I am very annoyed that Chinese evs aren’t being imported into the US without insane tarriffs. Once cheap evs are common, the need for charging might actually get some real notice. That being said, I think my considerations aren’t very far off from the concerns of many buying cars right now, and at the current moment those without a range of at least 200 miles are a much harder sell (and why lower range vehicles don’t seem to sell on the used market).
I live about 5 miles from work. I usually drive about 20 miles a day, so about 140 a week. I also rent an apt where there are no options for a charger. I considered a mini Cooper se and even a fiat 500e for a bit (it’s really cheap when you can find it), but once I looked my driving, I was only going to be comfortable with a 200 mile range for the occasional (once or twice a month) trips that are 100 miles one way. While chargers along the trip might be available, most times I’ve seen them they are clearly broken (provided it isn’t tesla, which seems to repair them). I do live in a city, but even then the 100 miles range would be tough to accommodate. Not saying impossible (I’ve seen electric mustangs and electric Chevrolets in my apartment), but a range of 100 miles is a lot less feasible for most than I think the data suggests, although that might also be fine if charging was faster.
That’s assuming you don’t have issues charging at where you live, which is a pretty big if for a lot of people. A 300 Mi charge would mean if you can’t charge daily, you would be able to go a couple of days without having to do so.
They’re not really safe. They are generally front heavy, so there is a risk of rolling forward, no crumple zone safety stuff, more often than not the front suspension is under the seat and if that breaks it would shoot up into the cabin, and on top of everything they are pretty slow. They have more in common with an off road Polaris than a traditional truck, which is to be expected because they were mostly designed to be farm trucks. I’d much rather be in an older s10 than a kei truck in the event of a crash (and s10’s aren’t very safe). I think I lot of why they are so popular these days is because there aren’t really any light trucks anymore, and these are an alternative.
All it would need for justification is Kevin. Damn it Kevin.
More or less agree, pretty much predisposed to lightly used vehicles. While I’d argue that Teslas have a lot less maintenance than ice cars, the downside is I’ve heard that a lot is non-user serviceable, and any issues with the car are pretty hard to fix without going straight to Tesla. The drivetrain is supposed to last for ages though, so I suppose that is a definite plus. Evs have come a long way in the last couple of years, but the charging is still an issue, more than the range for a lot of people (myself included). I actually considered a Mini Cooper se which has a range of around 100 miles, but given I live in an apt the charging situation wasn’t really feasible. Honestly, rather than having major charging stations on interstate routes, it would make soo much more sense for the government to incentivize a lot of higher density housing to adopt low cost lv2 chargers.
Yep. And mazda has physical climate button/knobs, with a physical dial to control the infotainment (it’s pretty convenient, if a bit of an older design on most of their vehicles).