Looking forward for the MentorPilot video on this one
Looking forward for the MentorPilot video on this one
Try out librewolf
The link have question mark in the middle and a unique identifier behind it. When a web browser requests the website from youtube, it will look at that identifier and know that link was generated by a specific user. If you request the video while logged in then google knows that those two accounts are somehow communicating. If over time two youtube accounts are communicating bidirectionally then they are probably friends. If communication is going only one way then it might be an influencer account.
Removing that identifier will remove information about who sent you the link.
Only if they can reach mach 5
This is what I think one need to do to test if that would work
If the device is a COM device in windows then I think it should just work out of the box. If not, then the entire device needs to be forwarded using udev rules to wine. Let me know if you want to attempt this :)
This sounds interesting. What the hell is RevOS? What kind of label maker is that? Does it have a name? Do you know what kind of cable it’s using to communicate with the pc?
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