It’s been restored after the article published. Moderators removed it as it being “Non-consensual” due to their rules, which they were right to follow…but the exception is that this is “news-worthy” which I agree with.
It’s been restored after the article published. Moderators removed it as it being “Non-consensual” due to their rules, which they were right to follow…but the exception is that this is “news-worthy” which I agree with.
“You’re not protesting the right way! You have to stand up to them only in ways that are acceptable to me!”
Got it buddy.
Yeah. This is the dumbest thing we’ve ever done. The goodwill and passive benefits that came from this were worth 10x what we paid into it.
We’re going to let greed ruin our entire country…all so that a few billionaires get a little bit of extra money.
No one’s shaming the kink. It’s a play on “Kissing the feet of your ruler”, essentially implying subservience.
No, but sometimes you wonder if you see a recognizable constellation…
“Ah…I think that’s Orion.”
Depends… What’s in it for me?
Yeah, in the interest of not having a bloody, civil war, I’d rather try to correct the economic paradigm that we have rather than instill a new one that will have its own set of unique and terrible problems (for example, see nomenklatura).
The chaos that will arise from the transition will be deadly, terrifying, and profound. It is not something I wish my children to have to go through. So, yeah…of course I’d rather work to fix the system that we have.
The phrase “are ethically wrong” is hilarious. According to whose code of ethics? How are their ethics more moral than someone else’s set of ethics?
There’s literally entire branches of philosophy dedicated to the concept of morals and the concepts of good and evil.
Edit: Also, to add on to this, something can be ethically right but morally wrong, or ethically wrong but morally right.
Why even target? Just rain down some napalm and you have yourselves a BBQ pit.
I used it to write a kickass counteroffer for an internal job promotion. I was pissed off with the offer and wrote out what I REALLY thought. I asked GPT to clean it up and respond with and upbeat and positive response where I’m eager to work with them.
ChatGPT about to help me get an $18k raise.
I’m not going to say they’re not real or not sentient. But I will absolutely say that they are selfish. They lack the empathy required to understand how things will affect others. They lack the willingness to sacrifice for the greater good. They lack the humility required to understand that they could be wrong, and the critical reasoning required to change their views in the face of new evidence.
Almost every conservative I’ve ever met is either extremely rich or lives in microcosm. Hell, I’ve got extended family that have never travelled outside of their hometown and anything foreign or different to them is either ridiculed or shunned.
They want a social hierarchy, and they want their place in it preserved. God forbid people get equitable standing.
Speaking as an American…we are apparently a country full of uneducated, greedy people.
Can’t have my taxes to feed people because they might not ‘deserve’ it.
Can’t have my taxes going to another country to prevent their genocide…because what are we getting out of it?
Fucking un-empathetic people. Sure, we have problems here, and yeah, we really need to do things to make them better. But fucking destroying our government from the inside and destroying any goodwill we had with other countries…all in the name of saving a bit on taxes is…just insane. Like, I have no words for how dumb it is. It’s appalling.