Hey, if you truly are terminally ill in some way, I’m very sorry for that. But also, it’s shameful to retreat and hide behind “I’m gonna die in four years, so you’re a bad person for calling me out on my bullshit” after you’ve been chastising people everywhere. Being terminally ill doesn’t give people a cart blanche to act in any way they want and not get called out for it. If the discourse on Lemmy is too much, you could also stop being a mod, stop acting holier than thou, or stop using Lemmy altogether and enjoy your time offline. Here, you’re not a terminally ill person, you’re flying squid the mod. If you can’t take the heat, you should consider getting out of the kitchen instead of crying foul when you get called out.
Nah, I don’t hate you, you’re not significant enough to me to hate. And whether you want to believe it or not, I do feel sorry that human beings are forced to endure hardships that are imposed on them, like a terminal illness for example.
I just find you to be a bit sad and pathetic, completely unrelated to your self declared illness, which I was unaware of until today and which in any case is irrelevant to the conversation at hand. And you just keep finding new ways of validating that assessment.
I’m done with this conversation, I think I made myself about as clear as I am able to do.