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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • I play FFXIV. I’ll break it down by expansions, but it’s the one that didn’t follow the general downwards trend so much.

    1.0 - trash. They couldn’t figure out how to work together. One guy spends forever making the best looking water wheel ever, in the background, that you never interact with. It’s too graphically intensive, and flows the wrong way from the water. It doesn’t match the building it’s attached to. Meanwhile, they forget to add roads towards main cities. It’s an unplayable mess. It’s literally unplayable, as they killed it off to replace it with:

    2.0, A Realm Reborn - they really fixed it under one guy’s leadership. It’s playable, and works. It’s outdated somewhat today, but has a lot of moral grey areas and twists. There’s a lot of running around and time wasting, which was common back then.

    Heavenward - they made a great story. It’s one of the best expansions. Streamlined and faster. No needless “talk to 5 villagers” quests like previously.

    Stormblood - not as great. There’s a lot of setup they use later. The world building is really great, though. Some of the best looking areas.

    Shadowbringers - the best expansion they’ve ever made. Perfectly balanced world building and characters, and story. This is peak FF, with the best music as well. Probably because they can ditch much of the old A Realm Reborn story.

    Endwalker - ties it all together. The story leads up to “death is inevitable for everything that has ever lived, so just die now” kind of depression hopelessness that you wonder how they’ll get out of it. Well, because it’s Japanese and FF, it’s the power of friendship that saves the day. But, this really feels like the culmination of everything they’ve learned in the previous expansions.

    Dawntrail - this is the downward slide. They force you into a role to support someone for ruler that is almost slapstick bad. Characters don’t make logical choices. The theme is all over the place and can’t decide what it wants to be. Many people say to stop at endwalker, but we’ll see how the next expansion goes, which is years away.

    There’s plenty to say about the game otherwise, but the general thought is that they’re gradually cutting corners, taking longer, and under delivering as they’re stretched too thin. They’re feeling the same pressure everyone else in the world is - not enough money. Which is crazy, because FFXIV is THE game keeping Square Enix alive.

  • I love in Oklahoma, Tornado Alley, and most of our lines are on poles. So every bad storm or tornado, we lose power. And every time it’s suggested, “experts” cover back and say it’s too expensive. I didn’t believe it - all the manpower and cost to rebuild would be gone vs a one time burying cost. But of course, there’s no kickbacks on lines that don’t need repairing.

    I’m sure the East coast is the same deal. Someone’s making money off that outage.

  • Why is Musk mad at AsmonGold? Did he dunk on Elon for paying others to play his account?

    I just… Fail to see the reason Elon should dedicate his time to fighting with a neet shut in. Asmon turned off donations on his stream. He doesn’t care about money, political influence, or bathing. Just games. What possible gain would there be in trying to mess with him? The richest person to have ever existed in history, in a slap fight with a dude that lives in a dirty hovel? It almost sounds like trying to fight Diogenes.

    And exposing his editors isn’t the “gotcha” you think it is. They just protect him from YouTube’s crappy rules.

  • Poop is everywhere, so you likely have the bacteria in your mouth or mouth-adjacent already. What happens when your smell someone’s fart? It’s inside you. It’s inside everyone. That being said, shoving a fat turd in your mouth is definitely not the same thing and would be way more gross and noticable than some bacteria.

    But yeah, his junk shouldn’t be touching the toilet bowl. He’s sitting at a weird angle. And I find it very reasonable to wash up before sex for both parties. That’s just good hygiene for everyone.