I’m somehow more creeped out by the Greatest American Hero hairstyling.
I’m somehow more creeped out by the Greatest American Hero hairstyling.
Night trains are amazing. It’s basically a mobile hotel room that’s a little cramped, but spits you out in another country at 7:00am.
You may be woken by someone yelling something in Romanian at 2:00am when the train stops. And you may be woken for passport control at 3:00am, so try not to be naked when that happens. (Lessons learned)
Some snacks, a bottle of wine, and a good time. Night train!
I guess 40cm could have been the city-wide or regional average, but in the neighborhood where I lived it was closer to a meter. I remember the digging that I needed to do to get out of our basement apartment.
And speaking generally, with no suburban style mall parking lots or wide roadway shoulders, there was nowhere to put it.
And just my conspiracy theory here, but I suspect that TO’s shady storm water and sewage system may have also played a role. In the early 20th and late 19th centuries, the answers to sewage management was to bury streams flowing into Lake Ontario. The answer to the problem: “this river is an open sewer” was “cover it over.” That’s part of the reason why there are foul, poo-like odors that linger in certain areas (I’m thinking of Christie Pits and Little Italy, but there are others).
More of a hardcore Jewel/Osco shopper?
No - I think Mariano’s and PicknSave would be competitors in that region. I travel a bit through the US, and I’m flummoxed. My Kroger discount card works more times than not, no matter where my work takes me and no matter which the local branding is.
I didn’t really expect anyone to know that, which was sort of the joke. He was very famous in his time, but by now it’s a bit of a deep cut.
Artie Shaw was a clarinetist who ran a jazz band. In addition to that, he was also quite the weirdo. Womanizer, liked math a lot (like more than is natural), was an expert marksman who was nationally ranked in that sort of thing, and really into fly fishing. Also, currently, very dead. And that’s good because otherwise he’d be 114.
here’s a sample of his work https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_v3GY3ZqdM
Shock: I’m not really Artie Shaw.
That was how I was assuming the rationale went. You do see ocean going vessels on the Great Lakes.
And I think that’s how everyone wound up with the zebra mussels. (Bilge discharge from those ships)