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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 8th, 2023


  • It makes you feel like it’s really happening. You’re up North in the mountains, and you need to get back to camp to talk to a friend, so you ride your horse, and get stuck behind a wide carriage for a bit, and the trees are close to the trail for a while, so you can’t easily get around without getting a faceful of branches. One you start making it down the mountain, you find a nice looking deer and think “that hide would look great on some boots”, so you pull out your rifle to hunt. Unfortunately, you’re up wind, so the deer ran away very early on, but you couldn’t be deterred, so you chased after it, and eventually landed a good shot. You take the meat to the butcher, and he comments that he’s greatful you brought it in so fresh this time. You wonder why you ended up here, oh yeah, you wanted to go meet up with a friend, and it’s been over an hour and you’re just less than halfway there, so you look up at the sky and wonder how long it’ll take, it’s a very pretty sky at sunset, so you decide to make camp for the night.

  • It’s absolutely not just a gaming problem. Movie reviews are getting more and more bandwagon-y. Only a few reviewers post in the first day or two, and everyone else says “okay, they hated it, now I have to hate it too or I’m going to lose credibility”. I think it’s the inevitable outcome of having less famous reviewers, a NYT columnist can post what they feel, but a small blog can fall into obscurity if they have one contrarian review.

    The only part that’s unique to gaming is that gamers are the most toxic community in the internet.

    1. They knocked over the queen, not the king
    2. The black king is in check, so it must be black’s turn or the game is already over due to off-screen pieces
    3. In the final panels you can see the lady who said the move was invalid was playing white

    Thr guy was playing black and moved white’s pieces because he already lost, justifying his move as an “overthrow of tyranny”.

  • Finance bros who run wall street are all idiots, so they designed a system where no matter how stupid they are, they’re always right. If you get a bunch of finance bros in a room and give a really good sales pitch, your valuation can triple despite nothing real actually happening.

    In the case of AI, even the foremost experts are uncertain about how useful AI is. Qualified people disagree and no AI based tool has really proved itself to be robust, but it is amazing at fooling people who are either dumb or willfully ignorant, so it’s like crack cocaine to anyone who works on Wall Street.

  • This can only be “normalized” in the same way that gambling can be normalized. You can also write an article filled with testemonials of people who want to elaborate on the positive sides of gambling. This is an article of someone under financial strain being roped in to spending hundreds a month that she’s hiding from her husband. It’s an unhealthy addiction and should be discussed as such.

  • At time of writing, the top posts on this sub are about meta’s influence over politics, the enduring value of physical media, someone made an art gallery in doom, and Meta’s lack of censorship and how that affects minorities. This community is absolutely on topic discussing technology news and if you think otherwise, you are being absurd.

    If you’re looking for articles about how some university claims they’ve invented a new battery 1 million times as powerful, stop diluting yourself. “Corporate shenanigans” of big tech companies IS TECHNOLOGY NEWS. Any statement to the contrary is pure hallucination about a world that never existed.