It makes you feel like it’s really happening. You’re up North in the mountains, and you need to get back to camp to talk to a friend, so you ride your horse, and get stuck behind a wide carriage for a bit, and the trees are close to the trail for a while, so you can’t easily get around without getting a faceful of branches. One you start making it down the mountain, you find a nice looking deer and think “that hide would look great on some boots”, so you pull out your rifle to hunt. Unfortunately, you’re up wind, so the deer ran away very early on, but you couldn’t be deterred, so you chased after it, and eventually landed a good shot. You take the meat to the butcher, and he comments that he’s greatful you brought it in so fresh this time. You wonder why you ended up here, oh yeah, you wanted to go meet up with a friend, and it’s been over an hour and you’re just less than halfway there, so you look up at the sky and wonder how long it’ll take, it’s a very pretty sky at sunset, so you decide to make camp for the night.
EEE is a tool to steal users, not products. In the case of Microsoft, using EEE tactics with Linux is to convince people that they can stay on a Windows machine and get their work done, so they don’t need a Linux computer. In the Fediverse, thr value of stealing users is much more obvious.