Whoopsi-doodles. Well, more spare parts on the Moon, all the same.
That’s an AI rendering of her likeness. ;-)
Good to know that about one’s self.
Efficiency! Stupid fucking traitor to the US and our only livable planet.
Okee doke, thank you for bringing it to my attention. :-D
I love this! Thank you so much for initiating this program. I’ve set it up on NetNewsWire for the locations I’m interested in, and it appears to work properly. Yay for when things just work!
Keep using signal. The article mentions that someone can use a QR code to add a trusted/ linked device to your group of linked devices. They would need physical access to do this. It’s been done by russians, finding devices on the battle field. So make sure and check your linked devices, use disappearing messages appropriately, and continue on your day. Peace out!
smae. I guess we’ll never be billionaires, nor corporations. And that’s ok.
Wow, and now look! There’s trees everywhere. Good job. Welp, let’s get some rakes and clean that stuff up.
Have you ever considered using what few measely dollars you have in support of local businesses, and people? Microloans? Stuff like that.
"…but this is billionaires, and American corporations as a whole. " FTFY. I’m not a corporation, and neither are you.
It only gets weirder.
Wait, what, you mean my saying something in a comment to a post doesn’t automagically make that thing happen?!?
And just like that, no one ever bought a jeep, ever again.
I have a sunroom, what sort of numbers are you asking for? It’s a partly cloudy day, about 22C in the room, without heat. And about 7C outside.
In the Northern hemisphere, in Winter the Sun is at a low angle, so vertically oriented panels might produce more. As an example, I have a sunroom and at Winter’s Solstice the sunlight reaches about 3-4 meters into the room. At Summer’s Solstice there is no direct sunlight in the room, as the Sun is overhead.
Are you a wizard, or what!?! When I was a child, driving each morning East to the labor camp, and West home for my bowl of thin gruel, I promised myself I would only accept a job that was East of my home.