I’m actually a mod over there, but as a general consumer of content, there’s not enough to make it a viable community. It’s seen a little more activity recently, but is overall a fairly small and dead community.
I’m actually a mod over there, but as a general consumer of content, there’s not enough to make it a viable community. It’s seen a little more activity recently, but is overall a fairly small and dead community.
Simracing. We don’t relate to typical gaming at all. It’s all high end hardware, all very specialized and typically doesn’t interest normal gamers.
Subreddit mods are very against Lemmy or anything that moves them off the platform. The absolute butthurt rage for weeks after the protests proved that one right.
Mostly I just don’t see this platform as an alternative for medium sized communities. It works for large ones where there’s enough people that after a move if 25% transfer then you still have a lively community. Or for small communities where you can get 70%+ to move. But those mid size, 100k users on average communities trying to get them to move just ends up with a ghost town here.
They kinda do though. I can’t post about my gaming niche in a gaming community because it’s barely tangential, and still haven’t found 99% of the communities I had on Reddit.
Lemmy is good for /all, and that’s about it tbh
Generally these computer systems do access control, patient charting, intake management and most other critical functions, just like the rest of the world.
Blood banks and controlled medicines are likely gated behind access controlled doors, and without either it could cause major impacts to the ability to save lives
I don’t have a place to charge at home, nor a way to run a cord from my apartment to a car, so charging becomes a 20-30 minute ordeal instead of a 3 minute tank of gas on my way to work.
At least for me the reasons are
When I was looking at new cars an EV wasn’t even an option. I wanted a 2 door performance coupe and there isn’t anything even close to that in EVs, let alone on the used market. A 2014 Audi was a better choice in almost every metric beyond gas prices.
Not really. Instagram is for sharing photos to more than just creators. Creators generally don’t interact, like/share, etc other creators content, they just endlessly post their own.
Because Vero has nobody on it outside of creators. I looked into it as an alternative for my photography and it’s a ghost town outside of creators posting. Nobody is liking/commenting on anything
Not only does nobody care, but they prefer centralized services. Tbh I still prefer centralized services and Lemmy is the only federated anything I use, because the others don’t do anything better than their alternatives.
Gonna be honest, I prefer to be in an office over WFH, despite WFH technically having “advantages”.
Home is an awful environment to work in. I get less done, worse quality and in general dislike it more. While that’s technically a personal problem, it’s not fair to say no one would voluntarily work in an office 5 days a week. I do, and know multiple other people who do as well.
WFH when you’re just starting your career sucks. Both my internships and start of my FT jobs were WFH, and it made it near impossible to learn to work with a team, get information from senior developers, get IT help if there was hardware issues and a ton of other minor things that aren’t a problem for someone who had been working at the company prior to going 100% remote, but are huge sticking points for new hires.
Definitely thinking about cancelling with this. I’ve used Spotify as long as I can remember, after finally switching over from pandora radio.
Their shuffle and discovery algorithms suck so much now that it’s nearly impossible to listen to more than 20-30 songs they just keep repeating.
Add on the extra, inserted ads in podcasts, there’s really no reason to continue to use their platform.
Then again, I’m probably going to YT music, which is only marginally better, but since I pay for YT premium already there’s no additional cost
I could see it happening if your job primarily involves talking to people sat on the other side of the desk.
It’s still the perfect one-to-many communication method. Best way to get news from people you kinda give a shit about, the rest was just noise.
I miss so much news in racing and gaming due to not being on Twitter anymore
These 2 pros have performed at lan multiple times and the type of cheats used would have been immediately noticed on any stream.
The hacker (destroyer2009) also gifted in excess of $8k worth of lootboxes to multiple streamers, suggesting that they have access to some remote APIs they shouldn’t.
On top of that a few months ago there was a widespread issue with top players being targeted in lobbies where they’d drop and then 57 bots would drop and zombie rush, all named the same thing and controlled by some kind of rudimentary script.
Pretty much everything together has ruled out the possibility of either of the players involved being the ones who are purposefully cheating.
This is a net win. Now they won’t be recommended to everyone trying to do hardware comparisons. The bias in their results has pretty much made them worthless as a source since Ryzen released.
The only reason I used prime video was because it came with prime. I’m just going to stop using it altogether if there’s ads
At that price I’d honestly just get a MacBook. I know there’s a lot of Apple hate here, but they make phenomenal laptops.
I probably also wouldn’t ever upgrade my laptop, so framework probably isn’t for me anyways.
Sounds like they’re just ripping the code out entirely. It’s absolutely insane. At the very least leaving them on old posts should be the minimum.
Not even just getting rid of it, they’re retroactively removing all awards already given to posts
This is the thing a lot of Mastodon users seem to miss. I was on Twitter because of specific people and companies. They aren’t on Mastodon, so I have no use for it.