I think a few under the wings is a smart idea.
I think a few under the wings is a smart idea.
What about Linux? I’m a recent conver that was used to makemkv
Only if you got the moonroof.
I may have a problem
Is no social media a red flag?
Anytime I hear someone complain about cancel culture I bring up freedom fries.
I picked one up, just to check it out, but I guess I don’t really see much use for it. I just wear an analog watch.
I don’t get the goal here. It’s not just that existing fabs are in Taiwan, I thought it was the knowledge was as well.
I was under the impression that we’d built a couple of fabs here and they’re not productive due to a knowledge deficit. Maybe I’m uninformed.
It seems, to my uninformed self, that if we impose tariffs we’d be strengthening Taiwan/China relations. Wouldn’t China still serve as a middle man?
I don’t see us manufacturing when the dollar is so high relative to foreign currency; add in the lack of knowledge and facilities and I’m not sure what you get.
That guy looks rougher every time I see him.
They did Rambo the franchise a bit.
You mispronounced promote American interests.
It’s a safe bet. I wonder if enterprise pricing is that high.
I feel like I remember them focusing on the sensation around news and not the actual news. Anything news worthy was included as a matter of context.
I felt like Vice was as if Beavis and Butthead were reporters, they went to the heart of a story that wasn’t getting much coverage and asked about people’s butts.
7 second clips
Pneumatic tubes were used to move mail in New York City, London, Germany, and Washington, D.C., and even transport food, cats, and yes, people.
I’ll take bad ideas for 1000.
It’ll hold. Send it.
People always talk about getting served ads after they talk about something. I think it’s the other way around. The ads put the thought into your brain and then you start talking about it and notice after you’ve already been thinking about it for a while.
I thought I needed makemkv to put it in handbrake. Have I been doing it wrong?