Ooh, I like your thinking even better.
That makes much more sense, I’ve actually seen that on the top of wooden posts for that reason. Being a steel post, I didn’t think of it.
Ooh, I like your thinking even better.
That makes much more sense, I’ve actually seen that on the top of wooden posts for that reason. Being a steel post, I didn’t think of it.
I wonder if the walkway floats on those supports, and the 2x4 is a stop that can wear/break, rather than let the steel post damage the walkway.
Total guess, I can’t really see any reason why you’d have a 2x4 there.
That was 80 60 years ago.
The knowledge required to design ignition systems is from the thousands of people who’ve gone through, or are currently in, universities.
Plus, the physics, and challenges, haven’t changed.
It’s a different game now.
Drives me crazy that accounting software is SAAS. The last thing I want is my business accounting on someone else’s systems, regardless of how encrypted, backed up, etc.
Just look at the recent large company whose entire business data set was deleted by Google. If it were a small mom n pop, they’d be out of business before Google even responded.
I swear I see a business opportunity as an IT consulting service that implements nothing but local solutions.
I also don’t agree that we don’t know what it [consciousness] is.
… most can’t agree on how to define it.
Which is it?
1999 - DSL After that, cable was pretty much everywhere I lived.
I thought the Big Thing with BS was being open and federate-able?
(Yes, sarcasm)
This can already be done with a tiny camera and a pocket computer, and we don’t have regs around it.
Glasses would make that simpler, but the cat’s out of the bag.
That movie was so much better than I gave it credit for at the time.
Rewatched it recently, a B movie that had more depth than appeared at first (and yes, the irony isn’t list on me).
Because they match standard nav light coloration.
And you need nav lights for takeoff and landing where other craft are coming/going
And they won’t work anymore with the retirement of analog years ago, 2G years ago, and now 3G for consumer use (I’m assuming that phone was analog/2G).
I block all calls except those I know.
After Signal’s lie about dropping SMS support because of “engineering costs”, I really can’t believe anything else they say.
Plus the app experience sucks, it’s no better than SMS.
Except companies are already jumping ship to other solutions. One very large company is moving thousands of VMs to an implementation of KVM, virtually eliminating the insane VM licensing.
Broadcom has all but admitted their own solution is inferior, by converting their workstation virtualization to KVM!
To Broadcom’s credit, the writing was on the wall that versions of KVM would be eating their market over the next 10 years (for example, Proxmox), so they’re getting all they can now before their corner on the market weakens.
“The mystery in New Jersey”
There’s no mystery, the FAA issued an air restriction for the Picatinny area from Nov 21 to Dec 26, for “special security reasons” - aka some dark development group doing testing.
Why else would these things have nav lights?
Storage is cheap for what you get.
A DVD movie ripped to MKV is 3-5GB.
A 12 terabyte drive is ~ $100. That’s… 2400 movies (if my math is right). My current movie collection is about 300 movies, 500GB of storage (I’ve ripped some stuff to MP4).
Having a backup of 12TB would cost perhaps $100/yr (Im paying less than that for backup of my 4TB storage).
Alternatively you can replicate your library with friends and family, pretty simple to do. Drop a mini pc with a drive in it running Kodi/Casaos/Freedombox, whatever, behind the TV at everyone’s house, for less than 20w of power you have a replicated media player.
40 seconds?
More like 10 minutes
Honda has a much better product in the first place, their engineering approach has always been better than Nissan (I say this having worked on every major brand, and some unknowns).
Nissan is one of the better ones, but they’re still a big step away from Honda.
And Honda was working on hydrogen nearly 30 years ago now, which seems poised to suplant batteries (again, maybe).