a bird flying at unimaginable speeds WITHOUT flapping
a bird flying at unimaginable speeds WITHOUT flapping
i still play backyard baseball
on xbox with its time tracking, i think rock band 4 takes the cake with uhhhh i have no clue maybe 100 days? i cant check right now
unofficially rock band 3, i used to play it 8 hours a day everyday
it does cap at a certain point, but i forget the number
wow 400 🤯 most ive ever had was 200 but mine hovers around 90 now when it doesnt randomly stop
wow i did not expect such rave reviews. now im extra excited to try this out. hope my fucking shite internet allows the game to download and doesnt randomly stop every 5 minutes
update: yeah ill have to play this tomorrow night 💪😎🤳
i only have room for 2 thumbs
christ level perfection? bro just stop supporting literal genocide
it’s like saying calling out America for its use of internment camps in ww2 is the same as saying hitler is right
for your last point, fallout 3 was originally going to be set like 20 years after the bombs dropped, but they switched it to 200 years somewhere down the line in devlopment
the 20 year thing makes much more sense in some areas, like the lady in arefu who is pretending the world didnt end
cant function as a dvd player as well as console if there isnt a disc drive
some people just have games on disc and without a disc drive they either have to buy the disc drive seperate or rebuy their game digitally
aaand down it with beeeeeerrrr
if anyone here used to go on kongregate a lot, go check it out now. it is depressing. they dont even have chat rooms anymore
i work with a guy who used to play that at work until one day the big boss caught him
psh all i need is a horse and i will climb anything