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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • How is it a retcon? The use of giga- as a prefix for 109 has been in use as part of the metric system since 1960. I don’t think anyone in the fledgeling computer industry was talking about giga- or mega- anything at that time. The use of mega- as a prefix for 106 has been in use since 1873, over 60 years before Claude Shannon even came up with the concept of a digital computer.

    if anything, the use of mega- and giga- to mean 1024 is a retcon over previous usage.

  • I’d want to be able to lose two drives in an array before I lose all my shit. So RAID 6 for me.

    Repeat after me: RAID is not a backup solution, RAID is a high-availability solution.

    The point of RAID is not to safeguard your data, you need proper backups for that (3-2-1 rule of backups: 3 copies of the data on 2 different storage media, with 1 copy off-site). RAID will not protect your data from deletion from user error, malware, OS bugs, or anything like that.

    The point of RAID is so everyone can keep working if there is a hardware failure. It’s there to prevent downtime.

  • And yet, I’ve never run into RAM problems on iPhones, both as a user and as a developer. On iOS an app can use almost all the RAM if needed, as long as your app is running in the foreground. Android by contrast is much stingier with RAM, especially with Java/Kotlin apps. There are some hard limits on how much RAM you can actually use and it’s a small fractIon of the total amount. The actual limit is set by the manufacturer and differs per device, Android itself only guarantees a minimum of 16MB per app.

    The reason is probably because Android is much more lenient with letting stuff run in the background so it needs to limit the per-app memory usage.

    Those apps also use more RAM than an equivalent iOS app, simply because they run on a garbage-collected runtime. With a GC there is a trade-off between performance and memory usage. A GC always wastes memory, as memory isn’t freed immediately once no longer in use. It’s only freed when the GC runs. If you run it very often you waste little RAM at the cost of performance (all the CPU cycles used by the GC) if you run it at large intervals you waste a lot of RAM (because you let a lot of ‘garbage’ accumulate before cleaning it up). In general, to achieve similar performance to non-GC’d code you need to tune it so it uses about 4 times as much RAM. The actual overhead depends on how Google tuned the GC in ART combined with the behavior of specific apps.

    Note that this only applies to apps running in ART, many system components like the web browser are written in C++ and don’t suffer from this inefficiency. But it does mean Android both uses more RAM than iOS while at the same time giving apps less RAM to actually use.

    It basically comes down to different architectural choices made by Google and Apple.

  • Doesn’t matter either way because everyone uses WhatsApp anyway.

    RCS will never be able to compete with either because it’s a GSMA standard. Apple or Meta can think of a cool new feature, add it to their client and roll it out to all their users with the next update.

    If they want to add a new feature to RCS, the GSMA (An organization with over 1500 members) will have to form a committee, they can then talk about their conflicting interestes for a few years before writing down a new version of the standard, then dozens of clients and servers at hundreds of different operators need to be upgraded before everyone can use the new feature. Due to this bullshit RCS will never be able to keep up.