Maybe. The EU commission may not care what the moldy tangerine thinks.
Maybe. The EU commission may not care what the moldy tangerine thinks.
That sounds like a user error issue. I use windows at home and work and I also haven’t seen a blue screen in years.
Was that cause of the cost? Didnt Elon come out claiming lidar was a “crutch” or something?
That’s fair, I don’t typically order really expensive stuff. I just think that if I have to go to a store to pick up my package of small cheap shit then I might as well drive all the way to the store and buy the stuff there in the first place. Why order it online and pay shipping then?
It’s a bit of a rock and a hard place for then. If you won’t leave my package and I have to be there or go somewhere else to pick it up? I’m not ordering your shit.
It’s not just teens doing. There are full grown adults being audio assholes all over the place.
Isn’t it actually a precision driving technique to break with your left foot? Or isnthat just something I accidentally made up in my head?
I had a partner once who sat straight up in bed and announced, “Somesone else is in here.” They then promptly fell back asleep…me, not so much…
I think you missed his point.
That person is probably thinking of European size stores. I think grocery stores in the US might just be bigger on average than they are in Sweden? We have some big mega stores here compared to Europe.