Goes to show, he should have made a run for it and hit a bunch of people with his car. Then he’d get a reduced sentence.
Goes to show, he should have made a run for it and hit a bunch of people with his car. Then he’d get a reduced sentence.
If they only spent this time and money on training the managers to…well, manage their employees.
Stop thinking “time at your desk” is a kpi and start measuring results instead. It cuts the crap employees that are worthless and that in and of itself is a reward to good employees and team morale.
I would rather have a productive employee get results in 4 hours and then leave than a crap employee who needs the full day to get the same job done. Then the good employee will learn to streamline it so they can get the job done in 3 hours and I win because my efficiency went up. They win because they get another hour of their life back daily…or dare I say, they want more work and I give it to them along with a pay increase.
Just a slight positive spin on this. I mean, I get it. Just like all of you I read this headline and say, no shit.
But its good these articles are out there. Its not for you and me. It’s for the average person who doesn’t think about this and is blissfully unaware.
Yeah, I can argue they should care and all that, but that’s pointless. This is a sign that the average person is becoming more aware, and the status quo can change.
We all have those friends and family that we wish would…just do things differently. Maybe they will now, or soon.
Just think, wouldn’t it be great if your “arguments” with your family are over messaging each other over SimpleX instead of Signal?
It’s OK, they changed the headline to say “slurping” instead. Clearly much better.
Me neither. Glad to see it. Of course they still require it for multiplayer games like Helldiver’s, which is what set this whole thing off in the first place.
Yeah…this is absurd beyond belief. The problem is the average consumer out there will not see how this is an issue.
Here’s a perspective you might not have thought of. Younger person is already shamed for even buying condoms (the cashier will see them after all) so they steal the condoms instead of buying them. Store owners are sick of losing money so they naturally lock them up. So yes, it does have something to do with crime.
I’m not here to argue about what you think store owners care about your sex life, I’m just pointing out that there is a valid reason you haven’t considered.
Very well put. The general summaries are spot on.
Too frequently are the concepts overlooked and some specific detail (often trivial) becomes the focus and divisive point preventing discussion or understanding.
I really don’t like tech radar articles. There’s no real information there. I know almost nothing more than just reading the headline. Clearly they mean a restructuring bankruptcy as there are mentions of future plans. But the headline makes it sound like liquidation.
I agree. I need to trust where the OS (or any software) comes from. I’d rather get a legitimate windows copy and then debloat it and turn off telemetry and other BS myself. Then I know I’m good on both counts. But apparently the IoT LTSC version is legit, not a cracked copy. This is the first I’ve ever heard of it.
People need to be civil. On every platform they have shown that they can’t be (or have no good reason to choose to be).
Moderation is the key, but moderation is challenging. That’s why self moderation (keeping yourself civil) is very important. Which loops us back to the beginning.
I don’t really subscribe to the whole race thing. Its a culture thing.
And even more important is the food. Can you cook me a traditional xyz meal? Delicious. I love that you’re xyz.
That’s just another reason to be disappointed to find out that you’re British.
Exactly. I write well enough. I only use AI if I’m just stuck for words and want to get a suggestion. Sometimes it’s good enough, sometimes it’s way off base, but was enough kick to get things going in my brain.
I’d appreciate some added AI to give suggestions occasionally, but it needs to be implemented well. I hate when Word tells me to phrase something differently as if it 100% correct. No, I worded it that way because that’s how I want to say it.
The real damage will be when everybody starts sounding alike because there are defined acceptable ways to say things.
The original zune. The one that could compress all the music of the universe to fit on it’s 30GB drive.
I still have mine in a drawer. I replaced the battery (which is probably dead again) and it lived through my entire family using it.
It’ll start as a feature. When you need gas we’ll automatically show you the cheapest gas stations around you. People will gobble it up.
My hybrid dash is anything but minimal. I have a zillion selections to show me a slew of random things. None of them are an engine temperature reading. So frustrating.
“Most” is optimistic. I don’t have statistical information proving otherwise, but anecdotally I am not so sure. A big company like Disney with their own team of IT and official policies and this still happened is exhibit A.
Prefect. It can click buttons and complete tasks.
No sir, I did not accept your terms and conditions, my browser did.
I’m with you on the philosophy of tech freedom, which is why I’m back to trying Linux again. So yeah, we’ll take that journey together.
I just think its over simplified by most, and I guess I got the wrong impression of you by your 15 minute comment.
I’ve seen multiple people recently post something like, I’ve switched to Linux and can never go back…but I hated it for a year. That makes so much sense to me, and I just feel that most Linux users leave off the learning curve part, and just gloss over to fully knowledgeable use.
So many people just don’t have the time or energy to just jump into something new. I’ve been using windows for 30 years, and learned a lot along the way. Its going to be tough to learn Linux without daily usage and experimentation (and totally screwing stuff up). That’s a tough pill for most people to swallow.
This just happened to me. I purchased shoes and they shipped via Amazon even though I didn’t buy them there.
I think that’s part of what people don’t understand. Amazon isn’t a website that sells stuff, they are a dozen infrastructure based industries.
Shut down their website and they still have the logistics to fulfill for the sites you shop on and their servers are probably hosting them too.