If you worked on creating Ai sorry but you must have known it would eventually be used for evil
If you worked on creating Ai sorry but you must have known it would eventually be used for evil
Great example of what I’m talking about
All the Linux posts and Linux loving Lemmy users are what keep me away from Linux.
They’re like the Rick and Morty fans of PC software
Only if you ignore all of western game development
Side scroller games ARE fun, sometimes. Imagine if if no game had ever evolved past it though. Mega man is my favourite game character and I sit there playing games like ratchet & clank and wishing we could get a modern mega man to match it.
Japanese game companies are allergic to modern, working ideas. I’ve always dislikes how Japanese games look terrible. They don’t even try sometimes and you have ps5 games that look like ps3. They have game series like mega man that they refuse to Move past side scrolling, you play their games and they even leave out basic shit like “pick up item” animations and voice acting. I find Japanese games antiquated and even if they’re fun, they feel like I’m playing a last gen game when I play a Japanese saga or similar dev game.
Pokémon is a good example of a series that refuses to make a current gen game. They all feel like ds games on a switch
I still have no idea why I was banned, nobody ever replied to me
I actually liked outer worlds by them despite how short it was
I have been a patient gamer and for the last 2 years with psplus and a library card I have burned through every ps4 title worth playing and decided to finally upgrade to a ps5.
3 months in and I’m struggling to find games that look good to me. I keep trying unknown titles and they’re meh.
I can’t believe that years into the ps5 life and I don’t have a backlog of like dozens of ps5 games to play.
I saw like a dozen Xbox series s for like $250 at an overstock sale near me and was wondering if it was real
Who the hell uses Reddit for porn?
There are some pretty basic communities that are non existent or dead on Lemmy and I hate it
The site has become utterly useless. I got banned for god knows what, they don’t actually tell you. But just disagreeing with someone else and they report you and you’re auto banned without question.
I tried opening new accounts and every single one would be banned for evasion. I guess they track ip? In any case the users have become x10 more toxic and the site itself is trash
This is by design, weaken security and allow daddy Putin to take over
To me it would be like announcing a new elder scroll games that takes place in Skyrim. I mean I love Batman but that’s enough. A green arrow game made in the same way would work, or even a proper open world superman
They’ve lost the plot, their next Batman game will just be an online garbage fest. The last Batman game they worked on barely squeaked by as playable and they shit the bed completely after that point. We’re never gonna be back to Arkham 1 & 2 quality.
And even if we could go back to that? Why? It’s been done. The story is over. Move on to someone else instead of just going back to Batman.
Why would anyone be excited for this?
I mean it would fit well in Robocop or The Running man so I guess it counts
Imagine a cyber truck bro listening to Joe Rogan in that thing. How does that not make every woman in sight instantly aroused?? /s
Come on now, Ai is on a whole other level than throat things. It would be like me making a robot that stabs things then crying cause someone used it to stab people