Why have we made robots whose only job is to dilute reality?
Repeating for emphasis. I’d like to know the answer too.
Is this thing on?
Why have we made robots whose only job is to dilute reality?
Repeating for emphasis. I’d like to know the answer too.
I’m annoyed that the reports seem to be written and redacted to prevent any hint of the companies involved.
I’d hit it
The harder MS tries to force Win11 on me the clearer it becomes how bad it is.
I will move to another office suit,install, and learn a completely new OS like Linux after 40 years of Windows before I ever install their unnecessary and untrustworthy data-miner.
Win10 was bad but most of it could be removed/worked around. This time it’s clearly war against typical users so F it I’m out.
How many of this comment do I need to respond to?
As many as it takes to get you to understand censorship is a worse means. UM can ‘evade’ all he wants but he can’t take away your unsubscribe and block buttons. Did you know they aren’t single use? Amazing!
Nah, this whole trend to censor anything and everything that isn’t exactly what you want to see is worse for the community.
I say leave him alone. I don’t have him blocked. I don’t ever see his content unless I actually do search to see what he’s been up to (spoiler: he was a far right nutbag all along the end). Even IF he is spamming articles, that behaviour can be modded by communities he isn’t modding for, and those he is modding for can be blocked. Hell if he pisses you off specifically you can block him yourself already! This isn’t a community needs to step in issue.
Ah, I’m thinking of the cruisers recently completed.
Maybe flag it archival footage? Pretty sure Ukraine’s warships are stuck outside of the Black Sea as Turkey refuses them entry due to war.
The one in the middle should have had stylized 90’s Lara Croft boobs to be more accurate.
It’s definitely a weakness. There is an entire spectrum of personal beliefs, but wherever you are, if yours don’t align with the mods you get censored. Reality is every new users first week is finding out where they ‘belong’ and this both discourages new users, and creates detrimental echo chambers.
I don’t have a reddit account so I can’t verify, but IIRC it doesn’t ignore single return commands, and for certain Discord pushes the message immediately on hitting enter. This is closer to what most modern interfaces use, and what anyone using SMS is used to. Shift+enter allows the user to force a new line and 2x gives the paragraph break.
I’m not saying markdown isn’t a thing, but it isn’t used nearly as often (edit: as in Lemmy’s particular implementation) as being described and setting up Lemmy’s interface to require it feels clunky. My specific issue is the handling of 1 enter being ignored. Everything else makes sense because I too use markdown manually quite often.
While I am not old enough to have experience with typing in the 70s, in my decades of experience with text input methods I cannot ever recall one using this method of 1 carriage return being ignored. No forum, email or word processor (even WordPerfect for the c64) or Notepad uses this, so my guess is your experience is in some niche technical field which does not apply to what the general population expects.
Most UIs don’t even have a preview option, let alone need one, because they don’t require you to have a stick up your ass to ‘get’ using them.
The Lemmy UI is easy enough to use IMO. Where the problems show up are:
Unreliable linking to other comments and posts. It is annoying to no end to receive a link to someone’s comment and be unceremoniously ripped out of your home server and put onto the federated one no longer logged in etc… This behaviour should somehow be prevented
a quick reference to the text commands easily found somewhere (ie: sidebar)
I’d prefer more theme and colour options
Fix the text interface so it respects carriage return entries properly. If I want to start a new line directly under the current one (edit: AFI knew after 4+ months of use) there is
no way
to do
Make it so a single carriage return is acknowledged and correctly starts a new line right underneath, or automatically forces a blank line between. This needing double entry is unintuitive and wrecks many new user’s first hundred post’s appearance.
Finally, the premise: Lemmy.world should be more welcoming is itself undesirable. That instance is already taking up an inordinate number of users so IMO every other instance (except the awful ones, we all know who they are) should be using a better UI, not L.W
You aren’t a CEO though.
Musk to Altman: I can’t help it, it’s my nature.
Yeah, this one’s a keeper. 🤣
Don’t combine. Just use tor or a VPN.