I’m not even sure how, it seems like its kind of wealth gated because you have to be able to make enough from your investments to cover brokerage fees. I’m not aware of any non US retail investment platform that doesn’t have a regular fee to pay.
I’m not even sure how, it seems like its kind of wealth gated because you have to be able to make enough from your investments to cover brokerage fees. I’m not aware of any non US retail investment platform that doesn’t have a regular fee to pay.
Well, cable will not reach a warzone which is a rather pertinent use for a satellite communication system at present.
Yeh but thats a fantastic return compared to 1% good projects , 50% of which never get finished and 49% of which never get started yet somehow 100% of them go 500% over budget.
Its 100% a huge issue with Amazon, at this point pretty sure everyone knows how all the different sellers get lumped in together so you order from seller A and recieve a product from seller B because Amazon considers them the same thing. Means you can’t even be sure wether the seller you thought you purchased from is the one that scammed you; and means even buying from a companies official amazon listing isn’t protection.
Saw a picture of him without sunglasses recently and man has bloodshot ketamine addict eyes, the sunglasses are to hide that.
Does that still apply when the CEO is also Emperor of the United States?
So I’d go with no at the moment because I can easily get an LLM to contradict itself repeatedly in increcibly obvious ways.
I had a long ass post but I think it comes down to that we don’t know what conciousness or self awareness even are and just kind of collectively agree upon it when we think we see it, sort of like how morality is pretty much a mutable group consensus.
The only way I think we could be truly sure would be to stick it in a simulated environment and see how it reacts over a few thousand simulated years to figure out wether its one of the following:
Now personally I think that test is likely impractical so we’re probably going to default to its concious when it can convince the majority of people that its concious for a sustained period… So I guess it has free will when it can start or at least spark a large grass roots civil rights movement?
I’d say it ends when you can’t predict with 100% accuracy 100% of the time how an entity will react to a given stimuli. With current LLMs if I run it with the same input it will always do the same thing. And I mean really the same input not putting the same prompt into chat GPT twice and getting different results because there’s an additional random number generator I don’t have access too.
It got worse than this, the ticketing company really wanted to get the money from him so when he got hold of a copy of the records and pointed out that one ticket was for a completely different car they modified the records on their end to change the make of car so it would match his. iirc he only got out of it because he had paper copies.
Hey now some of us just have wildly shit upload speeds and couldn’t hope to reach 1:1 without spending an entire year seeding a single movie.
Its also affected by which direction the sun hits your house from, your commute to work (if applicable) and what kind of diet you had when growing up.
Didn’t the boeing guy pretty explicitly state that he was not suicidal to family and friends right before he died?
We got some of it, its just that killer drones and SI aren’t as cool on this side of the screen, and the cyberware is only for rich people (though there is a growing 3D printed movement for amputees) That said with some craft skills we can at least make the cool punk armor and kneepads and have it be reasonably functional, even deploy a blade if you’re ambitious, though more predator than mantis in that regard.
Be the change you want to see.
Pretty sure he’s now functionally the worlds richest man (including oligarchs with a lot of hidden wealth) what with his newly aquired un-supervised access to 6 trillion in US government funds.
Aren’t these the same cards that have been self destructing during driver updates?
Is it more understandable can civ 6? I’m a fan of goddamn stellaris and could competently play civ 5 but civ 6 is like being beaten half to death with a textbook on quantumn physics and then told to sit an exam. The tutorial prepares you for the game about as much as a stick of chewing gum prepares you for the beating.
But it can run cyberpunk at a whole 21 frames per second!
iirc the machines that TSMC uses are made in Holland right when he’s also apparently doing his best to piss of Europe, even then there’s like a decade long order backlog.
I wouldn’t be surprised if China spent more on AI development than the west did, sure here we spent tens of billions while China only invested a few million but that few million was actually spent on the development while out of the tens of billions all but 5$ was spent on bonuses and yachts.
To be fair two cans and a piece of string kicks the UKs arse when it comes to telecommunications.