Not worth it. Mods are going around harassing people that have a different opinion from the echo chamber.
Not worth it. Mods are going around harassing people that have a different opinion from the echo chamber.
Yes, you are sexist….against women for sure (your comment proves that) and probably men, also.
As with all of the people agreeing with the government that created the is graphic, you clearly missed the point of my comment.
Show me a government that has the capability to do that but doesn’t do it. And I’ll show you some other way in which it is significantly deficient.
You all suffer from some significant brainwashing.
Well, a mod removed my comment, so you tell me.
Ellen Pao was a shit executive and a failure. Has nothing to do with the imaginary “LeTs bRinG iN a wHOmAn tO tAkE dA faLL!!!”
This is moronic and sexist.
History is full of males that were suckered into taking the fall.
Saying that women alone are incompetent to the point of always being suckered into a CEO position to be the fall gal is peak misogynism.
Think things through a little before posting.
Comparing the spying that both of these countries do on innocent citizens, as if they are anything alike, is demented.
It’s not apples to apples. It’s comparing an orange to the sun.
He absolutely is. All presidents are.
Those type of firefighters exists in droves still because that is not an old-school thing.
Removed by mod
I already explained why in my original comment. It’s apparent that you probably lack reading comprehension.
Re-read it, if that’s an option.