Yes. Attacking peoples appearance will surely teach the opposition not to do the same.
Perfectly executed strategy.
Yes. Attacking peoples appearance will surely teach the opposition not to do the same.
Perfectly executed strategy.
Switched to apple TV already. Googles lame ad infused cheap plastic remote did the trick on me. They have to pay ME if they want a Youtube and Netflix ad laying on my table at home.
Some nut: I haven’t been mad today. I need something to be mad about.
Apple launched an ad.
The nut: perfect.
Heard over at reddit that walking dogs should be pretty viable cash.
Apple could use Coca Cola’s defence on the vitamin water lawsuit.
“no consumer could reasonably be misled into thinking vitaminwater was a healthy beverage.”
No reasonable customer should believe their products is carbon neutral.
Unless the product is fucking logs found in the woods.
Great thing we actually have organizations to shit down this shenanigans.
That’s the case for every sub with a political undertone.
Most subs for your favourite hobby is usually nice. Unless your hobby is US politics, believing walking dogs 5 hours a week is a job, or inventing a patriarchal society to tear down.
I love some proper vaporware!
Yeez the EV scene is riddled with promises. Make a car already.
I HaVe NoThInG tO hIdE!
Commenting to boost.
Im planning on upgrading my old TV soon. But a new one will not be connected to the internet during its lifetime. All useful services are available on more powerful and more intuitive devices anyway.
AI on TV is hopefully just the new 3d. Gone soon.