That title alone is all the proof i need.
Clickbait so it’ll never live up to the claim.
That title alone is all the proof i need.
Clickbait so it’ll never live up to the claim.
Oh my, who could’ve seen this coming…huge surprise
I’m also in the Netherlands, i found them at the Albert Heijn near me and that shit ain’t moving here.
Lol at the description for that mr beast photo…a whole team to make ai make a thumbnail.
I had a good laugh seeing his candy bars in a local supermarket at 70% discount and still not being sold.
I wouldn’t be too sure just yet, seeing how annoying youtube and it’s ads have gotten yet it isn’t replaced still.
We might have an increase, but plenty will never leave.
I think we already came to that conclusion ourselves, Tiktok made us aware i think…leading to terms like brainrot and slop.
But it’s good to see it is recognized.
Apparently it’s a photo from “Cybertruck explosion outside Trump international hotel investigated for terror ties”
But you’re wrong though, because i do get to complain.
It’s either this or cable, cable sucks.
So i’d rather adblock the hell out of them.
Youtube is like that bully that asks for your lunch money and when you say no, they slam you into a locker.
When you say no again, they start hitting you until you finally give that lunch money.
Once you do, they will show you the others are being abused harder when they demand more money from you.
I would love to contribute to the end of youtube.
To me, the value of youtube and it’s music is far below the €18 it costs to get me and my wife ad free. My internet costs roughly that and offers a lot of possibilites, so why should i pay double for a service that supplies about 1 millionth of what the internet itself has to offer, especially considering my wage has barely changed while i watch my rent and groceries triple in cost.
Y’all need to realize there is an end to my money, you can’t keep taking.
Heck make them $250, i’m not buying them even at $70.
If a game is over $30 it needs to be damn good to get me to buy it.
I like the pockets from most work pants and hammer hook.
I had some good experience with Jobman 2200 pants, but the last 2 that i bought gave me a similar experience to the Dickies.
Aw heck, American website?
It won’t allow me to open it, which has been happening more often with American sites lately.
At least you got your answer aye, that’s what matters haha
The site comrade workwear opens with them on the front page, i was curious what type of workwear they had after this article.
I’m looking for a replacement for dickies and another one, their quality has been absolute ass lately. €100 work jeans that get holes in them in a matter of days, those are not work jeans anymore.
I bought myself into sf before you got a hangar, i only had that one person race ship and after a while they added a hangar where you could spawn and walk around it.
After a while i noticed loads of reviews so i tried playing it, but always ran into issues making it unplayable. So i got really fed up with it for a while.
Then a couple years later i could actually run it with some issues, ended up buying a better ship and i’m now basically waiting for it to release and computer parts to be affordable once again.
I would love for star citizen to be my jam, but i doubt i’ll ever be able to put enough time into it. The most i ever managed to do consistently was diablo 4 season 1 to 3 before i dropped it completely.
Just build a new tugboat but make it .5mm smaller or bigger…heck make it both, .5mm less tall and .5mm longer, call it 3DBonchy and make it public.
Please let it be, haha
Aren’t battery packs really bad for your phone tho? Keeping it at 100% constantly until it runs out
I managed to make it through the first area before the lack of gameplay depth bored me to disinterest in the game.
Take that as you will, but to me it’s not a good game.