I believe you see the main issue with your experiences - the sample size. With small enough sample you can experience almost anything. Wisdom is knowing what you can and what you cant extrapolate to the entire population
I believe you see the main issue with your experiences - the sample size. With small enough sample you can experience almost anything. Wisdom is knowing what you can and what you cant extrapolate to the entire population
This is not a good quality article from the point of statistics.
The main statistical claim is that OE fails 9% of the times on USMLE. If you want to form a reasonable conclusion from that you need to compare it to control. The control here would be the fail rate of an average doctor. Or to be frank maybe better control would be the fail rate of a bad doctor because if OE beats that then there is an arguement to be made that there are people who OE could help.
Passing grade os USMLE Clinical Knowledge exam is 214/300 and mean score is 246. Idk the specific scoring but if it is scored the usual way then I believe this article is overly dramatic
First time seeing HTTP code 451
pip? What would that be used for
Differenciating amd64 as a different architecture is pedantry and in virtually all cases not useful for discussion.
To me x86 is currently in similar position to internal combustion engine cars. We are already almost certain some of the alternatives available right now are better.
The reason ICE/x86 seem better is that they have the benefit of being greatly optimised due to years of market dominance pulling billions if not trillions of dollars into research. Some company has to sacrifice a lot of money to get the ball rolling on new tech as it is very difficult for an emerging technology to break old tech dominance. However considering Apple seems to be pulling similar numbers on a way less developed architecture I d say we might be close.
Congratulations on your patience. I never got to that part
My gugugaga program I m gonna finish college with fulfills the definition of AI because it implements minmax, xd
Tool for comparing amazon
Disappointed guy looking in the fridge.gif