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Fediverse is worse than Reddit. Mod abuse, admin abuse, disinformation, and people simping for literal terrorists.
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It behaves that way because we want it to behave that way. It’s a complete non-story.
That’s why they’re popular for chat roleplaying scenarios. They’re just good at bullshitting to make you believe they sound somewhat real. I doubt word prediction based “AI” could ever gain any sort of sentience and actually think for itself - assuming that’s even possible at all with tech. If it is, it’s going to be through different methods than this.
You think the pandemic shutdown was simple?
Compared to the consequences that await us? Yes.
I don’t know what you being an introvert has to do with this, or why you feel the need to constantly push those thin veiled, passive aggressive insults around. It’s not a matter of you sitting at home instead of socializing, it’s a matter of degrowth. Our economic model does not work. Our mode of transportation do not work. Our consumerism does not work. Our constant need for growth, does not work!
And if you haven’t noticed it yet, fascism is already on the rise, and will grow further the more climate refugees knock on our doors. But I guess when Frontex ends up shooting them in the thousands at the borders you’ll just acknowledge that with mild interest as well.
People like you are quite literally proving my point and just reaffirm my stance. You all don’t care, and you do not understand where we’re headed.
No, stop the mental gymnastics to make yourself feel better.
The downturn and consequent emissions drop during the pandemic very clearly showed that it is indeed that simple if we’re all committed enough. Because that trajectory, if we would’ve kept it up until 2035, would’ve pretty much exactly landed us on our emission targets for that date.
The truth of the matter is that no one is ready for that, not corpos, not politicians who want to get (re-)elected, and sure as hell not voters - that much is very clear.
And to be clear, I have a much easier time since I stopped caring. I do my part and that’s it, so that at least my conscience remains clean. But if humanity collectively wants to erase itself then be my guest. I’m not stopping you, because I simply can’t. And how people act nowadays I am not even sure I want to.
By that standard you’ll have to be dragged kicking and screaming towards energy transition
That’s highly ironic since I’m apparently the only one who actually would support drastic climate action while everyone else votes for the comfortable fascists that push for coal because their fucking eggs are too expensive.
Whatever, I’m done with this species. It’s clear that you all want this to happen so who the fuck am I to stop you all from jumping from the cliff.
I’m just gonna report you since you’re clearly some disinformation troll.
You are out here raging virulently at the notion of acknolwedging that
I’m “raging” (nice delusions / projections btw) about the literal fake news bullshit claim of equating energy with electricity to make people feel good about us doing way too little - and nowhere near enough to prevent a climate collapse, which means ultimately it’s leading us straight to the same result.
Those are stepping stones on the same path you dingus. Calling literal climate scientists & institutions propaganda just proves my point about your climate change denial.
Please stop spewing climate denial propaganda. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Net-zero_emissions https://unfccc.int/news/a-beginner-s-guide-to-climate-neutrality https://sustainability.yale.edu/explainers/yale-experts-explain-carbon-neutrality https://www.europarl.europa.eu/topics/en/article/20190926STO62270/what-is-carbon-neutrality-and-how-can-it-be-achieved-by-2050
Trolling much? We’ve globally agreed to specific targets, so the actual fuck do you want to hear from me?
Nihilism isn’t the same as realism. We need to make great leaps, not babysteps. We were on our way to a catastrophic 3 degrees Celsius globally already, and that was before the result of the US election. Do you seriously believe the rest of the world, who already failed to do their own part, is going to now also compensate for the addition of the US emissions under Trump? That’s not happening, especially not if we continue to delude us with misleading headlines like this. Toxic positivity is absolutely not helpful when the world needs a serious reality check.
Not doing nearly enough isn’t “positive news”. But thanks for proving my point. This is literally not going to do anything for us as a species with the current trajectory we’re on, because, again, it’s not enough, not even close to it.
Norway has thermal energy sources and lots of oil they can sell to subsidize other things.
It skews the metrics though. By the title you’d think Germany is already more than halfway through to become carbon neutral, when it is obviously still extremely far away from that goal. People read this and think we’re actually doing okay.
In before HL 1 & 2 remaster disappointments. Or just absolutely nothing happening, just like all the previous copium rumors. I think I stopped caring back with the recorded soundtrack rumors, which already feel like an eternity ago at this point.
I always wonder how some big ass studio announcing a title that uses (high quality) 2D or 2.5D graphics would go. Like, pump it full of many hours of great gameplay and gut and / or heart wrenching story, with lovely & beautiful art, in 2025+. No online account requirements, no Denuvo, no micro or macro transactions, just a solid buy to play title that’s a blast to get immersed in. The problem is that suits would not dare to even try this, just like they don’t dare to try anything else that’s not your standard formula customer milking. And that’s how you get the 20iest iteration of generic graphic bliss with hundreds or even thousands of bucks to spend on macro transactions and other pain the ass bullshit. Innovation for the big companies is dead, which is why I focus so much on Indie studios and smaller developers now. At least there’s still some honest passion behind those games.
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